We have enjoyed the snow in 2018 but not so much the below zero wind chills. 2017 was a hard year medically for our family, but we are looking forward to the restoration of health for Scott and L in 2018. It indeed is heartbreaking to watch two people that mean the world to me struggle with their health. We have all been grateful for the Lord’s strength to get us through each day. Also, the power of positive thinking helps the days brighter. Last week, I told a friend that I don’t even know how people go through life without God. God gives us hope that these health concerns will be taken care of and we put our complete trust in him.
L will have a scope on February 7th to see if sweet potatoes will be her second safe food. To be honest, she should have had a scope before now, but she has been so sick since September. Steroids were not kind to her body, but thankfully we see the light at the end of the tunnel. I wish I could tell if she would pass sweet potatoes, but we just do not know. She continues to complain of chest pains, and that is a symptom of her EoE no longer in remission. We will not know if that is the truth until February 7th. Nightly prayers continue for a cure for L and so many others that are fighting this evil disease.
Scott is stable, but we would like him better so are seeking another opinion at Duke Heart Health. Hopefully, we will get answers so he can feel like “Scott” again and enjoy being active outdoors.
Our family laughs with each other, wipes away each others tears, and try to keep each other positive. Depression is a real thing, and my goal is not to let Scott and L get depressed.
I’m in my last semester of school and will graduate in May. It is going to be a hectic semester with college full-time, work full-time, and navigating through all the doctor appointments. My motto is, “God gives me strength, so I got this.”
M is driving now! How did this happen? She will practice driving with us over the next year and then will spread her wings to get her permanent license.
In the next posts, I hope to catch up on my pending product views and share a few of my favorite things with you. Please stay tuned and leave a comment to let me know you are still here and how is life treating you in 2018!
Lots of love and blessings!

Hello Jen and family, Always love when you have a post Jen. It’s like hearing from a friend. I wish Scott and L the best of health. I know it is not easy going through health problems and can be very scary too. I had cancer in 2016 and returned in 2017 which required more surgery in November to remove it. As you said your giving strength to carry on. Having loving families yours and mine is what gets us through. Your family is so blessed to have you as their mother and a wife. So happy to see your husband and L smiling what beautiful happy pictures thank you for sharing. Here is to 2018 bringing forth a healthy new year for us all. L is amazing for one so young to still have a positive outlook on life with what she has had to endure. M congratulations on driving I know how exciting it is when you first get to drive, my youngest daughter is also starting to drive too wanting to get her license as well. Stay healthy and happy. Jen I have to tell you what an amazing smile you have you look just beautiful. Passed through the Carolinas on way to Florida recently during the holidays and thought of you. I thought how amazing it would be to run into you. Happy New Year, Love Sharon
P.S. The picture of the girls priceless!
Both L and M those smiles and laughs you get it from your mom. Such a happy photo.