It’s been a big change over the last few years, but my family goes greener a bit by bit each day. Our goal is to be pretty much an all green family sometime in the near future including a Solar Panel House.
Going green really means a lot to myself and so happy to have my hubbs on board with me. Even our girls stop and think before doing things now. I know there are so much more we can do though to go more green.
A few months ago I started using the Clorox Green Cleaner. Yea I pretty much heart that stuff SOOOOO MUCH. You have to know I was so thrilled to hear they were coming out with a site of 30 Days to Natural. It includes daily tips for 30 days to help your family go green. I am so stoked to start receiving my tips and sharing them with my family. I truely encourage you to sign up and do the same for your family. You do know, what we do now to go more green, is going to help our children and grandchildren when they get older. :).
So without delay go now… and sign up. Let me know how you are enjoying the tips and if you signed up 🙂
:::CHEERS:::: (us clanging our glasses) to a better world. We can all change it one person at a time!

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