We were on the go for pretty much of all week last week. We were trying to cram in so many things because we knew it was only a matter of time that hubbs would be shipping off to Iowa. I am happy that he can help out there to rebuild the cities, but he sure will be missed that is for sure. Please pray they will have safe travels, and have safe building times during the month he is out there. Also for me that I will not lose my sanity hehe ;).
I took loads of pictures to portray the wonderful time we had celebrating our Nation’s Birthday. Follow along on the ride with me!
First off of course, we couldn’t go out and celebrate unless we were all dressed in red, white and blue. The bargain mom, I am got some great deals on 4th of July wear last year at Target during the after holiday sales, that I saved for us this year.
Here is Lyndsee and I posing before we go out the door.
We head out early for our town’s 4th of July parade. The girls were super excited, but then Lyndsee gave me this look like what the heck are we doing sitting on side of a road.
But then when she noticed we weren’t the only crazy ones sitting on the side of road she was all smiles along with the rest of our crew.
As soon as the loud sirens came barreling down the road, I had to jump up and go sit with Lyndsee and hold her ears. She is not a big fan of loud noises AT ALL and will definitely tell you about it.
After the fun parade was over, we all hurried over to the community watermelon eating fest. I love me some watermelon and you better bet we had some fun eating it ๐
Then, our tummies are starting to growl so we head over to my parent’s house and have a very delicious cookout with my family and my super fab friend Cindy and her family. We always have so much fun with them and I’m so glad we are back from Florida to enjoy their friendship so much more.
This is my dad acting goofy while hubbs is doing his duties of tending to the grill.
After all our tummies are full, it is time to head right down my parent’s road for the big town fireworks. We had great seats and just had a wonderful time hanging out together and letting the kids play. Cindy brought some sparklers and the girls were enjoying that loads.
Finally it was the drumroll of the night. Madisyn was so stoked and yea Lyndsee you could tell she was really excited ;).
Yep! She slept through the whole fireworks display. We all went home and crashed as soon as we hit the pillows. It was such a fun day but we were all tired. We knew we had another day of fun waiting for us the next day so we better get some shut-eye.
Rise and shine early the next morning. We headed out to the town’s festivities. Madisyn was so excited to do the big air jumps with my nephew.
It was off to the community cookout where we had hotdogs and all the fixings. Just had fun meeting everyone and hanging out. Glad to be back in NC with all the mountain peeps ๐
Then we all took our seats for the second parade. We love parades, but what was looking like a good parade.
was greeted with downpours of rain in the first 5 minutes of the parade. My girls LOVE playing in the rain and I just couldn’t help to snap a couple of picts of course
God was hearing our prayers and sent us back some sunshine so we could enjoy the rest of the parade.
We went home and grabbed us a quick nap, so we could go back and settle in on the golf course to watch the second fireworks display of the weekend that the country club puts on.
It was a little chilly so glad we changed clothes to much warmer clothes.
All in all, it was a FUN-FILLED weekend and much needed time to spend with daddy before he ships off early Monday morning. It’s going to be so hard not seeing him for that long and I know the girls will miss him like crazy. You will see me blogging full force so I can get in my adult mommy interaction in and please talk back to me so I don’t think I’m insane hehe :). Winners coming and a new contest tomorrow :).

What fun! Happy Fourth!
Kelsey’s last blog post..::The Post Where You See Me On A Glacier::
Looks like loads of fun. Your family is adorable.
casual friday everyday’s last blog post..Magical and Sparkly
Looks like a wonderful family time!
Mozi Esme’s Mommy’s last blog post..Farewell
Hey Jen, glad you guys had so much fun before hubby heads off to Iowa. Your girls are so adorable…love the pictures.
Sorry I haven’t been around…I had to take a two-week blog break, but I’m finally back and getting caught up. Looking forward to getting into more “adult mommy interaction”. Us moms really need it! ๐
Wendy’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Lunch Time