HAHAHA…. Yes I am a mom mini-van driver and proud of it ;)… but I don’t think nobody would know I am a mom by just looking at my van. Soo… I think hmmm I’ll go for a little pimping. Check this out and you may want your mom vehicle pimped out too 😉
Sooo what do you think.. want yours pimped too? NOT! OMG could you imagine if someone pimped out your ride like this. I would definitely go off on someone LOL.
Monkey Giggles says
Thanks for stopping by……Your video cracked this monkey up…..the milk was awesome…well in a gross way.
Nell says
Oh my heavens that is so funny!
aka R'acquel says
All i need now is a t-shirt that says, “I’ve got a kid, don’t even think about it!” I’m so glad my car’s not quite like that. *lol*
Laurel Wreath says
too funny. Reminds me of when I had a gaggle of teenagers in my Suburban and they said, “Mrs. K you have a awesome ride here, we could really pimp this out.” I laughed and then said, “I don’t think so!”
Arika says
HAHAHA!! That’s hilarious Jen.
I just got my van last month and hubby wants spinny rims and hydraulics installed and my oldest son wants it painted with flames! I thing NOT! 🙂
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