Creativity goes such a long way. I just would love to be able to look into L’s mind some days and just get a glimpse of what she is all thinking about. She will get in her own little world at times and just play and play. She loves to be creative and very artsy.
Recently we were outside on a Fall evening and she was so into her Hula Hoop. She just played and played… not even focusing on anything else but her hula hoop.
Oh she caught me taking pictures ๐
Don’t you just love it? Not a care in the world… just a girl and her hula hoop!
My girls are always teaching me valuable lessons. Don’t sweat the small stuff. That is not what life is all about. Take time to breathe in and just appreciate what we do have. The Lord has a plan for all of us and we are working our way to fulfill the great plan. I do know life can be so stressful, but we do not have to dwell on the negative things…. look at all the positive things in your life. Once you do, you will see how blessed we truly all are!

I don’t know what it is about hula hoops either but my girls played with them nonstop all summer too! I have some very similar pictures of Hannah. ๐ I love the close-up shot where L’s looking up – such a cute expression!
absolutely gorgeous! and hey if it is good enough for the White House lawn and Michelle Obama, she is onto a great thing ๐
Completely agree with Kaz!
Thanks for the post. Great photos…