I always thought Scott was on board with me over the past couple years of going green and buying organic. What he did this weekend, just summed it up that he does take this true to his heart.
He surprised the girls with shirts from his business trip to Iowa. When he showed me the shirts, I immediately jumped up and hugged him.
It was a Mutt’s Organic shirt.
This shirt is so incredibly soft too, so I am going to see if I can find some more for the girls around here in NC or on the web.
Not too mention they also are sooooo cute. Needless to say the girls were highly impressed with their daddy’s surprise.
I know we have been together over 6 years, but I got those butterflies in my tummy again just seeing what he is doing for our girls and trying to help me with this organic living. It helps to have support here in the house and so happy he wants the best for our girls as well.
You know its the little things that can make you fall in love all over again with your hubbs :). Have I mentioned I’m oh so happy to have him home?

I love organic shirts because they are sooooooooooo soft! What a great man you have there. My hubby would never buy organic shirts…he isn’t “there” yet. Food, yes. Shirts, no. The shirts are cute!
casual friday everyday’s last blog post..Belly In The Shadows
It’s so nice that you are both on the same page when it comes to your family’s organic living style.
Nan’s last blog post..Make Money Online
The shirts are super cute and it is so wonderful to have a great, supportive husband!
Peanut Butter and Jelly Boats’s last blog post..Mamma’s Got a Brand New Do
Sounds like he’s got you figured out!
Mozi Esme’s Mommy’s last blog post..WFMW – “D” Crafts
The shirt is so cute!
Kelsey’s last blog post..::Have You Ever Seen a Moose in a Caboose?::
AWW what a great guy! Awesome presents too – ๐
Jenn’s last blog post..I Got Tagged!
What a great big green guy with a fabulous fashion sense! I’d say that’s perfect husband/daddy material! Audrey and Jane bought their dad an organic cotton t-shirt at a play they went to in NYC last winter, and each time he wears it he comments on how soft and comfortable it is. He’ 60… but he’s coming around to the big green side, too!
Give your guy an extra kiss and hug today for his thoughtfulness!
I just got an organic cotton shirt for dd and it is SOOOO soft!! Your dh is a great guy ๐
Stefanie’s last blog post..I LOVE Argyle Socks!
Wow!! That’s wonderful. I totally understand what you’re saying about a Hubby’s efforts… it’s a wonderful feeling; like you’re dating again!
Those shorts are adorable! And that husband of yours! Lucky you ๐
Mariana’s last blog post..Mom-to-Mom tip #3 – Juice Pouches
How fantastic that he’s on board with ‘Going Green’! What a cute shirt.
Susan (5 Minutes for Mom)’s last blog post..Why Comment?