Valentine’s Day each year is always a special day for the simple reason that is when my husband and I started our relationship. This Valentine’s Day will be 10 years. We have officially been together a decade. Now, each year we usually do not go overboard with gifts as we love to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a family. I love seeing the girls faces light up as they are celebrating with us. This year, will be an extra special day as we celebrate 10 years together.
My husband has already gave me the best gift ever. The gift was not jewelry, not clothes, not a new technology device or anything that was purchased with money. This gift did not cost one red cent. How is it the best present then?
Last weekend, we went out to eat with our Pastor and his wife for lunch after church. We were all sitting there talking about how Scott and I first met. I love telling our story. We locked eyes and smiled at each other, then the best present was given. “I know for sure I would take a bullet or jump out in front of a car if it would keep Jen or the girls alive.” Tears welled up in my eyes. That sentence right there showed me, my husband would put his life up to save the girls and I. My husband has never uttered those words to me before. My heart was beating fast and I just looked at him. That sentence has been playing over and over in my head this week. I told him Thursday night, you have given me the best Valentine’s present EVER! He said, what did I give you? I told him and we just hugged.
It reminded me what Jesus did for us. He gave his life for us so we could live. I am so thankful. I am blessed that God has given me a husband that will look out for the girls and I till the end. There is no price that could be placed on those words, but I will always keep them very close to my heart.
I love you Scott!