The last nine years have been the most amazing years filled with so much wonderful joy. I always dreamed of becoming a mom when I was a young child. I would line up my baby dolls in my room and play house for hours on in. My mom can contest to this as she would walk in on my frequently and just smile.
Nine years ago, I became a mom to a beautiful brown-eyed M. My oh my has she grown over the past nine years.

From the first time I held you M, I was in love. I would sing and talk to you all throughout the time I carried you in my tummy, then I was just in awe when you were placed in my arms. There is a special bond between a mother and daughter, and I am so proud of that awesome bond. You are always there to bring a smile to my face, to help me in the kitchen or to help with me your little sister L. You do not like for anyone to be sad around you and will do your best to help cheer them up. Your teachers said at school this year, you are always the first one to raise your hand to help out another student. M, you have always had this caring spirit about you. You want to help everyone and will not be told no. I always say there is a special old soul about you because you are always putting others first before you.
M, we can sing songs together, play card games together, watch movies together and just have so much fun. You love for me to still hold your hand and hug you tightly. You love when I cuddle up to you and put your special blankie on you.
M, you have a love of art. You surprise me with the most special drawings just when I need them to brighten my day. You will perform a dance for me to show me your special talent of clogging. Clogging is one of your favorite things to do. Ever since you were 5 years old, you have been going strong. Each year, I can see your passion grow clogging. You teachers are always bragging on you and say how hard you work. M, see it isn’t just me that you touch with your sweet soul. You touch the lives of all the people around you. Your personality is such a heartwarming one and one that makes me so proud as a mother.
M, you have a love for your Jesus Christ as well. You love to pray for others and ask God for guidance in your life. I will catch you praying if someone is sick or if you are worried. It just brightens my soul that you believe in prayer so much. We were sitting down for lunch and you already bowed your head before I could even get any words out. You had already started praying. Keep up the wonderful testament and prayer will get you far in life.
M, you are such a great role model with your schooling. You are taking after your mommy in making straight A’s. If you come home with a paper that is less than an A, then you will have tears fill your eyes and apologize. Just like your mommy was when she was a little girl. I always hug you tightly and let you know, that it is okay. We are not perfect and only one person was in this world. You always want to do the best you can and will get frustrated if you cannot figure out a problem on the first try. I am proud of your wonderful school work and always so proud of the stories that you bring home. You are an amazing writer and reader. You are already reading on a 6th grade level. Keep up the great work my sweet girl.
All of these qualities is what makes the last nine years the best years of my life. I love you so much and so proud to call you my daughter. I know we will always have a special and close bond. All three of us including your sweet sister L.
Reach for the stars sweet girl, you will go far!

Happy 9th Birthday Precious M!
