Life is beyond busy right now. I wish I could slow down time or even turn back time, but that is not possible. One thing I can do though is take more time and cherish each day of life. Each day my girls create priceless memories that I wish I could bottle up. I know all moments are not cherished (ex. screaming fits), but instead of telling your child to just wait a minute, we need to embrace this time and let them know they have our attention. M and L are my special occasions.
Hallmark is helping me celebrate these special occasions with their “______ is a Special Occasion” campaign.
Hallmark introduced a new campaign earlier this year called Life Is a Special Occasion. This is much more than a tagline — it’s a call for all of us to push the pause button on the blur of daily life, and think about the beauty of unplanned, perfectly imperfect moments.
During our trip to San Diego earlier this month, I was able to meet in person Hallmark and interact with their booth on the expo floor. The best part, my girls were there with me to take in this special moment. Hallmark had a special board where you could write your special occasion. The girls and I both were able to write on the wall.

Also, to take it a step further, they had these cute purple shirts on-hand so we could write our special occasion and wear the shirts proudly.

M’s special occasion was “Learning to Clog.” She got stopped so many times that day since she was wearing the shirt, so she could explain what clogging was. Once M would explain it, the person would want to see M clog. She was on cloud nine all day long. At one point on the expo floor, I was checking out the new Samsung tablets and I looked back to check on M. She had a crowd of Samsung representatives around her while she was clogging. Friends, this brought the biggest smile to my face. My sweet M was celebrating her special occasion all because of Hallmark starting this campaign. Beautiful moment between child and mother as M came running to me when she was done clogging and gave me the biggest hug. This is how life should be and life should definitely be celebrated more.
What is your special occasion in life? Let Hallmark help you celebrate!