As a mom, you start the journey of motherhood with your kids depending on you for their every need. They wrap their tiny fingers around your fingers and all is well in their world. Being an attachment mother was what I loved and cherished so much during the early stages of motherhood. I miss deeply when the girls were babies as I would always have them close to my chest. I would wear (babywearing sling) them all day and we would be attached at the hip. Pure bliss!
The years are moving so fast though and we have fast forward from the attachment parenting stage to a more independent stage. We are doing our last co-sleeping days but I still see lots of family movie nights of us all cuddled in the bed together… I just wish I could pause time, because we are fast forwarding too fast. How did I wake up one morning and the girls went from depending on me for everything to spreading their wings and taking on the real world.

The girls are back to school for the new year. I am a ball of mixed emotions. This conversation sent my emotions even further all over the place.
L: Mommy, when will I be on my own?
Me: I am not sure. I am assuming when you are 21 and become an adult. But, you could just stay with mommy forever.
L: Mommy, when I am on my own will I have to get a job?
Me: Well honey, we do have to work in order to make a living.
L: Mommy, I want to do whatever I want when I get 21.
Me: Sweetie, that is a good attitude to have. I want you to reach for the stars and let God direct you into a great career.
M pipes in: Why are we talking about growing up for L? I don’t want to grow up, I just want to be a kid.
WOW! L has definitely grown in the last couple of years. She is still a BIG mommy’s girl and needs her mommy close, but she is always engaging in these big grown up conversations. M is not thinking so much about the future and just enjoying the moment. Looking back on the conversation though, I do get a big smile on my face. My girls are growing into independent women and it is all because of the parenting we have done over the last nine years. Who said attachment parenting was so bad? Looks like I have two amazing girls to prove that theory down the drain.
Spread your wings girls but always know mommy is right behind you flying with you. Here’s to a great school year.