Mama here took flight across the US yesterday to the beautiful state of Utah. I have wanted to visit here for a really long time and thanks to work finally was able to travel here. After seeing this beautiful state, I am definitely putting it on our bucket list so I can bring out hubby and the girls to experience this amazing state.
I knew once we reached the snow cap mountains in the airplane, this state would have me at hello.

After landing, got in the rental car and headed to the mountains in Park City, Utah. Look at this landscape.

I get to my room here at Canyons Resort and immediately go out on my balcony off my room and the view is breathtaking. I immediately had to take a picture and send home.

As soon as I saw all the kids in the pool, I started missing my girls even more. They would love it here.

Once the temps outside started dipping, the fireplace was perfect. I have missed a fireplace so much!

I can’t wait to share more pictures of my time here. Definitely recommend for a family vacation though with what I have seen so far. I will keep you posted.