Is it me or is summer one of the fastest seasons? It seems we blink our eyes twice and poof summer is gone. Don’t let summer get away from you without creating special family memories. The evenings in the summer are perfect times to create those special memories. The sun goes down which means the temperatures usually go down as well.
In my family, we take nightly walks and have the best conversations. I am giving my kids my undivided attention without any technology around, and the girls just smile ear to ear with this mommy/daddy and daughter time.

Tonight, we took a walk through where we are staying at in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The cool crisp air was so divine tonight. The girls were scoping out different areas and would yell “mommy, mommy, you have to take a picture of this.” The scenery in the mountains is breathtaking. See for yourselves:

We saw deer along our walk which were too fast for my camera, and even a swan on her nest.

Taking the nature walks really gets the girls into some fun conversations. It warms my heart to see how excited they get when seeing certain things. Make sure to take time this summer and do things as a family. Need help with ideas? I have 6 other ideas over on BabyCenter’s blog Momformation this week.
Enjoy your summer and create lots of fun memories!