We are all feeling the effects of the economy. Believe me, with my husband’s unemployment, we had to find a way to cut our monthly bills in half. Each month when you are budgeting finances, the stress and anger comes out. You wonder how on earth can your bills be so high. This is a common scenario for most families. Here are the tips that helped us.

Avoid Using Your Dryer – Dryers waste a lot of electricity which means higher bills for you. Try to hang up your clothes instead. This not only saves you money on electricity but will help some of your clothes last longer as well.
Shop Around – Always shop around. Utility companies are in fierce competition with each other, use it to your advantage and shop around for the best savings. Don’t think you have to stick with a supplier you’re not happy with.
Filter Your Water – Investing in a good water filtering system can save you money on buying bottled water. It will also help you save money by making your appliances last longer due to lower lime scale buildup in hard water areas. You can even use less detergent when washing clothes or using the dishwasher.
Leave the Car at Home – Don’t pay the outrageous fees for gas. If possible try to walk, you can also consider taking the bus or carpooling. When filling up the car, shop around for competitive rates.
Don’t Buy Disposable – Try to cut back on your shopping bills by not buying disposable items such as paper towels, use a clean dish cloth instead. Try to reuse your aluminum foil or sandwich bag containers or better yet buy plastic containers you can wash and reuse.
Make Sure It’s Full – Don’t use your washing machine or dishwasher when it’s half empty. Play around with the temperature settings to see if a lower temperature will do the job just as well as the pricier higher one.
Turn Off the Lights – Your father was right. Turn off the lights you’re not using to save electricity. If you’re just relaxing try lighting candles instead, this will save money and create a nice atmosphere (make sure you follow all safety guidelines).
Lower Your Water Bill – Try to take showers instead of baths. Turn off the water while you’re brushing your teeth. Collect rain water and recycle it to water the plants. Make sure your faucets aren’t dripping. Use a bowl full of water when doing the dishes instead of leaving the tap running.
Change the Setting – Set your thermostats a couple of degrees lower in the winter and a couple of degrees higher in the summer for a big savings on your utility bills.
When budgeting finances, make sure to use these tips. Then you can sit back and watch your bills decrease. As an added bonus, you’ll also be contributing towards a healthier environment for your children.