Since, I do quite a bit of traveling for work, I wanted to find a special book that the girls could have with them each and every night that I am gone. Believe me, the girls and I both can shed some tears when good byes are said, so I needed something that they could still hear my voice and it would comfort them at night.
Light bulb moment Jen! Use the recordable story book from Hallmark that you received at the Blissdom Conference in Nashville.
Before flying out for my recent trip to New Orleans, I sat in our bedroom and recorded this special book and left it on the bed with a love note from mommy.
As soon as the girls saw it, my husband said they immediately sat on the bed and listened to it 5 times. They were completely amazed of how my voice was inside the book. You see, each time the child turns the page, your voice will read the text that is on that page. The girls called me and said mommy this is the best surprise ever. Each night while I was away, they would play the story 2 times, before turning off the lights and going to bed. My husband said it made bedtime so much more bearable.
The best part? The girls have a sweet keepsake with mommy’s voice that they can play anytime, anywhere they need to hear mommy’s voice. This brings the biggest smile to my face. No worries about them ever erasing the book either, as there is a lock on the book and even when batteries die, your voice will still stay recorded.
I’m in love with Hallmark! Thank you for helping me bring smiles to my girls faces and making traveling just a wee bit easier!