Random acts of kindness is what makes the world a better place. It was such a pleasure during the holiday season to team up with Zhu Zhu Pets and be able to do random acts of kindness. That is what the holiday season is all about. It was such a great experience to have my girls participate in this with me this year to show them how we can pay it forward.
Our first stop was the girls school in which we donated our first group of zhu zhu pets to M’s teacher. Her church was able to fill children’s wish lists and put a smile on their face with the zhu zhu pets. M’s teacher was so delighted to be able to take part in this special random acts of kindness.
Our second stop was to our local children’s hospital here in Raleigh, NC. I shed some tears on this trip as M was able to give out the zhu zhu pets herself to kids. I wasn’t able to get the children on camera of course due to privacy laws, but as you can see in the video, M was so proud to be able to do this.
Onto our third trip, we invited Carolina Mama and her Tigers to help us out. We were trying to do this altogether for our local YMCA but with bad weather moving in and us having to get out of town, Carolina Mama did this stop for us. We so appreciated her help. The YMCA fills under privileged children’s wish lists every year for Christmas and welcomes all the help they can get. They were so thrilled to see Carolina Mama and the Tigers walk in with all these Zhu Zhu Pets. We heard they were a huge hit with the kids.

As we move into the year, we plan to do lots more Random Acts of Kindness. We are so appreciative to Zhu Zhu Pets for leading the leg work on this wonderful event. Lots of children experienced lots of smile this Holiday season because of the Random Acts of Zhu Zhu Pets!