I was sent this YouTube video by email from a former co-worker of mine. It is amazing to see God’s work shine through this little girl’s vocals. Listen in and you will be blown away by this rendition of “Amazing Grace” on this beautiful Sunday Morning. God Bless!
We Can Make a Difference on this Tax Day
Yes, it is Tax Day… but we can turn this day into a really big positive day for a wonderful Charity – Make a Wish. Let’s all take this day and help children with life-threatening medical conditions to bring hope, strength, and joy to their lives. These children go through so much fighting for their lives and what joy it brings on their faces to have a trip, a special toy, a playground and etc. to take their minds away from all the medical things they are going through.
How can you help? So glad you asked!
* Support the Make-A-Wish Foundation® online while saving on your favorite Betty Crocker® products through the Give $5, Get $5 promotion. Just visit StirringUpWishes.com today April 15th to donate $5 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation to help make children´s wishes come true and get $5 worth of downloadable Betty Crocker coupons.
* Simply purchase your favorite Betty Crocker® products this spring. For every specially marked package purchased, Betty Crocker will donate 10¢ to the Make-A-Wish Foundation®, with a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000 and a maximum donation of $500,000.
Betty Crocker has made a three-year, $250,000 annual commitment to the Make-A-Wish Foundation which, with your support, could be doubled in 2010 to $500,000. Will you help today please? Skip that lunch take-out today or that special coffee and give just $5.00 to make a difference on this Tax Day.
In addition to the Give $5 and Take $5, Blog Spark and Betty Crocker is making a $25 donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation on my behalf. They would also like to make a $25 donation on one of my reader’s behalf as well and offer the above prize pack. How cool is that? Go ahead and leave a comment below about the Make A Wish foundation such as if someone in your life as experienced a Make A Wish or just a good through about the program itself. You can read stories on the Stirring Up Wishes site. They are so inspiring for sure. I will pick a random winner using random.org tomorrow.
Will you please help? Thank you so much. We can all make a difference!
Disclosure: The prize pack and the donation were all provided by Blog Spark and Betty Crocker
Congratulations to Nan… comment number 5. You are our winner.
Ultimate Blog Party Time with 5 Minutes for Mom
Hey there Ultimate Blog Party Go-ers… It’s Jen from One Moms World coming to you live from the beautiful NC Blue Ridge Mountains. Come on out here and join me with my famous drink that I serve everyone that comes visit; Sweet Tea!
So girlfriends… I’m so glad you all came and stopped by. We have so much to chat about. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am Jen… just plain ole Jen who loves her family and life. Let me introduce you to my family:
I am married to a wonderful man of God, Scott and we have two beautiful daughters M and L.
We stay busy here in the High Country of NC.
I am currently a student and I work full-time. My husband is playing the Stay at Home Dad role for now since construction took a downward spiral. I am a Weight Watchers lover who is on a healthy journey to get her family healthy and fit. I recently started sharing our Weight Watchers meals and will continue to add more weekly.
I love to talk (people probably say I wish she would hush-up)
I don’t meet a stranger
I love to help others
I love to make people laugh
I love to travel
I love the outdoors
I love all things techy (no I absolutely don’t get up in middle of night to check my DROID… sure don’t haha)
I love my dog!
Now… I know… I could talk and talk and talk but this isn’t all about me. I would love to hear from you and be new BFF’s (Bloggy Friends Forever). Just leave me a comment below and let’s get this party started. Would you like more sweet tea? No problem 🙂
P.S. I heard the super fantastic wonderful ladies over at 5 Minutes for Mom was giving away prizes. Oh I would like to put in the hat for my choices. Here are my top picks but I would be happy with any prize said with my sweetest southern girl charm!
8 – Buds to Bloom Photo Tile Necklace
39 – Be My Guest certificate ($250 value)
49 – Starbucks Gift Certificate
56 – 12″ x 24″ Custom, hand~painted gallery style canvas
USC 3 – Target Gift Card
New Spring and Summer Fashions for Our Kids
Now let me just say, I am not sure if any of your kids are like my youngest daughter L, but she is VERY PICKY when it comes to clothes. I was so spoiled with my oldest daughter M, as she is so laid back and loves pretty much all clothes that I pick out for her. This is so not the case with L. Some scenarios:
“Mommy, that is not beautiful enough.”
“Mommy, that color purple doesn’t look good.”
“Mommy, the kids in my class will not like that shirt.”
“But Mommy, Mrs. Teacher says she doesn’t like the color yellow.”
Those are just some of the conversations that we have in the mornings. I just smile and try to come up with a compromise. When I was first shown the new fashions for Garanimals, I was immediately took back. These were so not the Garanimals basic plain tees and shorts that I remember from seeing on my little cousins in the 90s. They actually have hip and style now… which I immediately thought, I wonder if L would really like this new style.
Just look at this cuteness:
When these arrived at our door, L immediately tore into the box with mommy and as I was holding my breathe at her reaction… she shouted “Oh mommy these are so beautiful, can I wear them now?” Well hallelujah, Praise the Lord… we have found a new line of clothes that L LOVES! She loved the bow on the skirt, the colors on the shirt and the bows on the shorts. BINGO… mommy was so happy. You know why mommy is so happy? Let me tell you! No matter which outfit you choose in the Garanimals Line, each item comes at a price-point of only $3.50 (varying slightly in different markets), so moms know most definitely that we are getting the most attractive and affordable clothing in kid’s fashion. Hey, if this achieves Picky L’s seal of approval, then you know your kids are so going to enjoy them.
Just look at how cute the boy’s line is:
Visit the Garanimals site to see more styles and info on where you can buy Garanimals in your area!
Full Disclosure: L was sent the girl’s styles above from Garanimals. This in no way had an effect on my review and L will totally let you know if she does not like a particular style ;).
Exciting News One Moms World Opens Their Own Store
I am so excited to tell you about a new feature here at One Moms World. As you all know by now, I am on a more healthy journey with my family. I often get emails on what products I use in my healthy journey. You can now shop live right here at One Moms World. All the products that I use in our healthy journey is going to be available right here in my new store. Guess what? The prices are very reasonable too!
Getting your family on a healthy journey does not have to be hard, and that is what led me to open up this store. I want to be there for you and help you launch your own journey. As we are raising our kids, we have to remember their little eyes are looking up to us. We truly are their role models, so we need to make sure the steps we are taking in life are the steps we would want our kids to take when they are adults.
I will continue to add to my store new products so keep checking back very often. We can be on this healthy journey together and help each other. If you ever have any questions, please let me know by commenting here or emailing me at jenhouck @ gmail.com.
Here’s to a more healthy journey :::cheers:::