The Winter Is Sure Giving Us A Run
For our money that is…
Now you see, I do live in the mountains and yes we are use to the snow and cold BUT, there is usually a little bit of a break in between storms for us to re-cooperate. Since Dec. 17th,
- I have seen my grass for about a total of 4 days.
- The girls have maybe went a total of four FULL days of school (meaning no delays or snow cancellations).
- We lost power for 4 days.
- We have seen more ice that we ever care to!
- We have came up with so many creative ways to sled that you would be amazed 😉
It is a winter for the history books for sure. I am itching for the sun so I can go out and run and get more fit. This winter has really done me in and I am so just wanting to get out and run, run and did I say run?
Anyways… I thought I would share some videos of our little sledding runs and some pictures to make you smile from our own little version of North Pole!
First Glance at North Pole, NC
The Girls Taking a Sled Run
M Having Fun with the Circular Sled
Mommy and L Taking a Sled Run
Snow Gals
The Girls SnowWoman
M Loves to Make Snow Angels
The Girls Love to Crash the Sled
The Girls LOVE to Sled
The Snow Is Here So We Should Enjoy It I Guess 😉
Happy Winter Everyone!!
The Story of the ZING ZANG ZOOM
The snow storm that took over NC this past weekend was determined to make us miss my girls first circus ever. Guess what? We were one up on the weather. We changed our tickets from the Saturday show to the Thursday show. I’m so glad we did because I heard that lots of people couldn’t make the weekend shows but luckily Ticketmaster was doing refunds due to the snow storm.
To see the girls faces during the show as just amazing! The show lasted a little over 2 hours, but the girls did not complain at all. They are at the ages of 5 and 7. Since due to the weather my step-daughter was not with us, we took my little cousins age 9 and 11 (boys). They were equally amazed as well.
They included the family in on lots of events during the show. Seeing the magic being performed and then watching the amazed looks on the children faces just couldn’t be beat.
I am always in awe of the acrobats and so I just knew my girls would be as well. Much to my surprise the boys couldn’t stop watching either. How they are so flexible and strong will always be a wonder of mine? They have so much faith on each other to which I’m sure they have a huge bond with one another. Just seeing them do the flips, balances, jumps and climbs was just awesome.
I will have to say, that I have never seen a real life cannon ball and guess what… I was finally able to see one!!! I think I was jumping up and down as much as my girls were. My youngest daughter just couldn’t quite figure out why the women were getting into these tubes and her mouth just dropped open when they shot across the stage. Amazing!
Oh the animals were a HUGE HIT! All the kids were on the edge of their seats during the whole animal scenes. I was so cracking up at the elephants… they can sit their big booty on these little stools and never miss a beat. Too cool! Also how they would all line up and swing each other’s tales to hold on to each other. So cool!
I was a little anxious for the tigers when it was time for their scene. They never skipped a beat with the trainer though and all did their tricks perfect. Amazing!
At the end was a huge parade and all the kids joined in and clapped their little hearts out!
It was such a great experience for the whole family. My hubby and I were just into the show as much as the kids were. We definitely recommend this for a family outing 🙂
Check to see when the ZING ZANG ZOOM is coming to your area and use this special offer to get your tickets really cheap :).
on to
Also, be sure to get to the arena early to check out the All Access Preshow.
Step onto the arena floor and into The Greatest Show On Earth® at the All Access Pre-show! Come an hour before show time to join Clown College® and learn how to be a circus clown.
10 Reasons You Can’t Miss the All Access Pre-show!
1) An amazing elephant paints right before your eyes.
2) Learn juggling, makeup and fun with the world famous Clown Alley.
3) See a one-of-a-kind special Ringling Bros®motorcycle as built by Orange County Choppers.
4) Meet the performers up close and get autographs.
5) Witness Klose’s Performing Canines jump through obstacles and hoops.
6) Be amazed as Zingmaster Alex teaches magic to audience members.
7) See performers jump rope and do tricks on the low wire.
8) Watch the contortions and table juggling of the Chinese Qi Qi Har Troupe.
9) Try on actual clothes used in The Greatest Show On Earth.
10) It’s FREE with your ticket, so get in on the fun!
What age was your children when they first went to the circus?
Full Disclosure: Our family was provided these tickets in exchange for this complete review. This review comes from my heart and the complimentary tickets did not persuade my views at all!
What Is In a Grandparent Name
My beautiful girls call my mom an unique name. I’m not so sure if she ever thought she would be called this when she was a grandparent, but it warms my heart that my girls came up with this ever so cute name on their own. My girls call my mom Yay-Yay! Yes… you heard me right :). Now, you see how this name came about is very interesting. When M was about 6 months old, my mom would call M on the phone and go yayayayayayayayay over and over to her on the phone. She did this until M was well over a year old because M would just crack up and do the cutest little baby laugh. Mom was over at our house one day and M out of the blue looked at my mom and said plain as day Yay-Yay. Her little mind put two and two together that she was the woman that always did Yay-Yay to her so that must be her name right? Ever since that day, my mom has been known as Yay-Yay to the girls. When L was born and old enough to talk, she naturally just started calling mom Yay-Yay as well. Is that not just the cutest story?
Now let’s just say if you gather a group of young kids today and ask them what they call their grandparents…. you are going to get a different answer from each one. You’re bound to encounter the run-of-the-mill Grandmas and Grandpas, but things really start getting interesting once the Gramies, Lulus, Gagas and Boo-boos start popping up. Where did all these names come from? Are the grandparents planting them? Is it just a matter of young kids butchering the annunciations? Regardless of origin, the nicknaming of grandparents has taken on a life of its own, and as a result BabyCenter has published the top 10 most popular names from grandparents:
Popular Grandmother Names:
Popular Grandfather Names:
In addition to the top ten, BabyCenter also collected dozens of other sweet, fun and downright odd names while compiling the list that can be found here.
What does your kids call their grandparents? I would love to see if it falls into the top ten from above or is unique to your family :).
Yoplait Frozen Smoothie Review and Giveaway
I have always enjoyed smoothies, but it has been years since I have actually made my own here at the house. I was so ecstatic to be able to review the new Yoplait Frozen Smoothies. I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but I have to say it was so easy to make and the taste was excellent. I could see myself eating one of these everyday as a great snack that would be great for points on my Weight Watchers adventure.
Did you know seven out of 10 Americans do not consume the daily recommended amount of fruit? Every Yoplait Smoothie contains a full serving of fruit as well as real Yoplait yogurt pieces with live & active cultures. Yoplait Smoothies are a good source of calcium when prepared with milk according to directions, and an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin C.
Simply add milk to a Yoplait freezer package, blend, and in less than two minutes you can enjoy a nutritious and delicious smoothie guilt free! At 110 calories per serving, Yoplait Frozen Smoothies make creating the at-home smoothie convenient, simple and worry free.
Let’s take a picture tour of how easy it was to make these!
Gather the milk and the smoothie package. I used the single Hamilton smoothie blender to make this smoothie.
Pour the entire package of the yoplait smoothie into the blender and add the milk.
Put the lid onto the blender.
Press the blender button to make the smoothie.
After a minute and half…. you have 2 servings of a fruit smoothie.
See how easy it is? This would be easy to make in the morning before you head out the door for the day or in the evenings for a snack. Like I said, the taste is delicious. It really is great taste that will leave you wanting more!
Would you like to try them out for yourself? Print off this $1.25 coupon to use on your purchase. Also… you can win your very own prize pack of a coupon for a free package and the blender. All you need to do is leave me a comment below telling me what is your favorite smoothie. I will pick a random winner after the contest ends on Feb 3, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. Extra entries?
1. Subscribe to our feed
2. Tweet about this giveaway
3. Post about this giveaway on Facebook
Make sure to leave a comment for each entry!
P.S. The coupon, blender, information and the prize pack to give away were all given to me from Yoplait and MyBlogSpark.