Tomorrow is a big day… it is Grandparents Day! Unfortunately, my girls only have one set of living Grandparents but they adore them so much. We will say a special prayer for our wonderful “Angel” Grandparents.
My parents love receiving sentimental things from the girls. The girls absolutely adore their PawPaw and YayYay. You may ask why the girls call my mom YayYay ;). When M was a baby, my mom would always call her on phone or come over and go yayayayayayayayay to her over and over. M would just crack up so much and laugh so hard. Well when M was right around a year, when she would see my mom, she would automatically yell out Yay Yay! So the name was born. They know no different! I love that M gave her a unique name too and L just followed suit naturally and calls her the same thing.
So when we heard that launched a new section to their website to let you send a sentimental recording for FREE… I was all giddy. You can surprise the Grandparents anytime, any day and anywhere with a special recording. We did just this tonight, so the Grandparents will get it first thing in the morning when they wake up. My girls sang the song “You are my Sunshine” and also said a couple sentences about how much they love them and we clicked finished and had it emailed. I can’t wait to hear their reaction.
I think now every couple of weeks, we will do this to surprise them and just make their day :). Go ahead and give it a try… it sooo cool and something they will treasure always and forever. AND its FREE!