I so did a Kellie Pickler move a couple weekends ago with Real Life Sarah at the Sunday Salon at River House Inn. We had such a fantastic time and wholeheartedly would recommend going. I am a country girl and everyone knows that 😉 so I really came out of my shell trying foods that I never imagined. Basil icecream? Oh yes!
Thomas and Friends Live on Stage
We have had an extremely busy summer and I am going to write a post each week of our busy time. First up.. thanks to Mom Central, we were given the chance to go see Thomas and Friends Live on Stage when they were near our town recently.
The girls had a total blast along with my BFF’s adorable cutie baby boy. The show was really interactive and captivated the children’s attention throughout the whole show. They did divide the show up into two 45 minute increments just to allow the kids a time to take a break and get up and get all the jiggles out :).
It was a really cute show and showed when one person (Thomas) makes a mistake, how everyone can work together to create the best possible outcome. It really focused on friendships and cooperation with others. A great moral lesson for all the children. Here are some picts of our morning out with Thomas:
To sum up our great trip… I would like to offer one of my readers a Thomas the Train T-Shirt. The size is 4t!
If you or you know of someone that would love this, leave me a comment below. Twitter this giveaway and subscribe to our feed to get extra entries. Leave a new comment for each entry!!
Come Watch Live Show with Katja Presnel and e.l.f. Cosmetics
Just Call Me Mom Taxi and Giveaway
I’m not even kidding when I say this last week has been a whirlwind of keeping up with my daughters’ schedules. I have tried to keep the girls active this summer so they are not just sitting around letting the TV or video games entertain them. I really try to limit the intake of electronics with them. So in return, that makes for a busy schedule for dear ole mom here.
About two weeks ago, I received an email about The Busy Body Book. I was so excited to get this in the mail to review as I knew, I would need something to keep my head on straight. For everyone that knows Jen, I am very forgetful and honestly if I my head was not attached, I would loose it ;).
What I like best about the Busy Body Book, is that it lets me keep up with schedules for our entire family.
I put each of our names at the top of the pages and write down where and when we need to be each and everyday. Let me just tell you about our schedule last week for Big Sis.
3:00 to 3:45 – Summer Reading Program at the Library
4:00 to 5:00 – Swim Lessons
5:00 to 5:50 – Clogging Lessons
6:00 to 8:30 – Vacation Bible School
My head was just spinning of trying to get from one destination to the next in a timely manner. I would open the busy body book, see where I am suppose to be going and then floor it to our next stop ;).
Also since I work at home, it keeps me so organized of what client work I have to do for that day. I call this my own little personal diary because it keeps me so much more sane and actually organized. You have to face it moms, as our kids get older, our schedules are getting busier. If we do not begin to write things down more, we are going to drive ourselves crazy and get even more gray hair ;).
The Busy Body Book is so versatile too. You can use the columns to meal plan, track blogging projects, make personal goals, household chores, volunteer schedule and family holiday planning. The uses are endless.
The Busy Body Book comes in Weekly GRID of 5 column and the undated 7 column GRID. I want to give one of you moms an opportunity to get more organized in your life too. Busy Body Book has agreed to giveaway one item of your choice from their site. Here is what you do:
1) Go to their site Busy Body Book – pick out what item you would like
2) Leave a comment below to enter
3) Subscribe to our feed, twitter this contest, facebook this contest all for extra entries. Leave a separate comment below for each extra entry!
Good Luck… Let’s get organized together!
Tuesday Tiny Talk Edition One
Does your kid leave you laughing so hard during the week, you think “Oh yea, I need to write that down in their baby book”. What about the next best thing, blogging about it :).
Each week, I am going to do a post here and feel free to add your own post in comments so we all can go visit to get in some great laughs to make the doctor stay away ;).
This week’s post is brought to you by little sis L.
She always has us laughing so hard, I have tears in my eyes sometimes. We were having a casual walk at the park and we are having to go up this little hill. We get up to the top of the hill and she goes into:
L: Mommy, you know what?
Mom: No, what is it?
L: Well, mommy I had to trade in my feet yesterday and get some new feet because my other feet wouldn’t let me walk up this hill.
Mom: Just how did you trade in your feet?
L: Mommy I just cut them off and went and got some more feet (totally in a tone like duh mom), and now I can walk up all the hills I want to.
I was just smiling at her but laughing so hard on the inside. She comes up with the craziest things and I have no idea where she gets some of this stuff. She definitely has a huge imagination.