So here I am on day 2 of the candida diet. I was never a big sweet person, but a huge fruit person. I could just live on fruit, so as you can imagine I am having a huge problem with not having fruits.
I think about fruits all day long, its like it consumes my thoughts, so that is why I said food is over-rated LOL. I hate that my brain keeps yearning for more fruits. I am so counting down the days till I can have fruit again.
I'm going to admit, I am not feeling so peachy right now. No pun intended ;). This is day two and I'm not sure if its dieoff symptoms, but I am pretty sure it is. The hot flashes, the racing heart and the sluggish feel. I'm like can I even make it to the fridge to get some more water sluggish feel. Also my little girl is having a time right now with allergies and just being sick as well, so I think I have caught what she has. Being sick on top of the die off symptoms not fun.
I can do it though, please chant with me… JEN YOU CAN DO IT, JEN YOU CAN DO IT, JEN YOU CAN DO IT! I'll keep you updated throughout the week of how I am doing.