New Year’s Change #2
Over Christmas Break, I got to take quite a bit of time off work.
You see, since hubbs had been out of work since last August, I had been working two full-time jobs and my web design. I was putting in 80+ hours of work and barely got to see or spend anytime with my girls.
Yes, I was working at home, but that still means I had to be engrossed into the computer at all times.
Back to Christmas break… since I was off quite a few days, my girls got use to me being with them and doing more activities. It wasn’t till I went back to work that my oldest dear daughter said to me “I wish you would get fired from your jobs, Mommy” Wow! Those few words spoke volume big time.
I am proud to say, since Hubbs has went back to work, I am only working one full-time and my freelance technical web biz. I feel so much stress taken off of me. I absolutely, whole heartedly LOVE my work now.
I feel like I have missed so much in the last 5 months and can actually breathe again. One thing I am looking forward to as well is talking to my best bud Nell more as well. Can you believe we have been friends since early 2003 and still have not met. What’s up with that? I need to make that a change this year too ;).
Baby girls, mommy is working less and loving it. You can finally have your mommy back!!!!!!