Halloween was a blast. I will be writing a follow-up tonight of our celebrations that took over 2 weeks. Who knew we could celebrate so much?
The question on parents minds today is what do we do with all the candy? Candy can be enjoyable as long as we make sure we do everything in moderation. Also, Dr. Singh, founder and CEO of Arch Dental’s shares five tips for enjoying your Halloween treats!
1. Choose candy that melts quickly and can be eaten easily.
2. Have a glass of water after eating candy to wash away the sugar and neutralize the acid.
3. Avoid grazing on candy; it increases the time sugars are in contact with tooth enamel.
4. Have a treat with or after a meal, followed by a thorough tooth-brushing .
5. Time is of the essence when it comes to teeth and sugar. If not removed by brushing, or swishing with water, sugar from any source can increase the likelihood of cavities.
Another tip in which my girls love to participate each year, is giving the candy to charity. We give a big portion of our Halloween Candy each year to Operation Christmas Child. This month is when National Collection Week takes place, so it is perfect timing. If you would like to participate, Samaritan’s Purse has a great tutorial on their website to help you pack your shoe box. I hope you will participate alon with us!