Despite some cloud coverage, we were able to experience our first total solar eclipse. I checked out of work early and went straight to sign out M from her first day of school so we could experience this all together. L put together this video of our reactions. We were pretty excited and will hold this memory close to our hearts!
Memory Lane
Would you like to meet new blogger friends? #UBP13
Put on your party hat and dancing shoes. It is party time with Janice and Susan from 5 Minutes for Mom.

Janice and Susan are two wonderful friends that will always hold a special place in my heart. I first met these two lovely ladies back in 2008, during my first Ultimate Blog Party. I continued to party with them in 2009, 2010 and 2011. You could call me a Ultimate Blog Party Veteran if you would like! What exactly is the Ultimate Blog Party?
The Ultimate Blog Party is just that — the ultimate place to party and meet new friends, (but no babysitters, airplanes, or tickets necessary.)
It is super easy to participate — all you do is write a party post on your site, sharing a bit of what you and your site are all about. Then you hop off to the main party post at 5 Minutes for Mom and add the URL of that party post to the applicable linky list so others can find you and “meet” you and your blog. (There are also linky lists for your Twitter and Pinterest accounts.)
After you have posted and linked up, start partying! Blog hop your way through the linky lists, leaving comments and making friends as you go. There are also live events again this year — a Twitter party Monday, April 8 at 9pm Eastern and a Google+ Hangout Tuesday, April 9 at 9pm Eastern. We will be talking blogging tips and tricks, answering bloggers’ questions, and giving out prizes.
I am looking forward to joining in all the Ultimate Blog Party fun during the next week. I hope you will join in with me and meet new awesome blogger friends. The blogger community was so much different back in 2008. It would be so nice to see the tightness of the community come back and real conversations begin on our blogs and on twitter. Are you up for the party fun? Of course you are!
Throwback Thursday Pregnant Mama
I had professional pictures done when I was pregnant with Madisyn my oldest daughter. I wish I would of had them done with Lyndsee. I always wanted one of Madisyn looking up at my belly :(.
Here I am at 32 weeks with Madisyn:
And one I took of myself at 32 weeks with Lyndsee.
Boy my hair has really grown huh? hehe. I think this is the longest my hair has ever been. I loved seeing my belly grow. I miss being pregnant sniff sniff!
And Then There Was Two

My bud Nell over at has started a new Meme… Memory Lane Monday. This week we are talking about when we first saw those two lines!
My first baby girl was most definitely a surprise. I had tried for three years to have a baby and never could, so I really thought something was wrong with me! One day at work though I started feeling so sleepy and honestly like I had been hit by a train. I even fell asleep during our department meeting. .
I never really put two and two together until about a week later and thought hmm I have not had my period yet this month. I asked my boss if I could leave for the day as I was not feeling well. He said sure go ahead and get well! I of course stopped by our drug store and picked up a pregnancy test. Now.. get this Scott calls while I'm at the store and was just wondering what I was up to since he couldn't get me at work. I just told him I wasn't feeling well and stopped to pick up some medicine and go home to rest. He said oh ok.. and that was that.
So I get my pregnancy test go home and whip into the bathroom really fast… now I knew it said you were suppose to catch first morning's pee for more accurate results but heck no I couldn't do the wait. I took the test and I couldn't bare to look at it as I didn't want to get disappointed. I did a hurried glance after a few minutes and I thought I saw more than one line so I took a double take. OMG I started freaking then there was TWO LINES!!! I am going to have a baby. I wanted to shout from the rooftops!
I wrapped the test up and put it in my dresser and just went and laid down and I know I had the biggest smile on my face. Next thing I know I woke up and Scott was standing beside me. He said are you ok HUN? I said sure I am.. just a little tired. Then he looked at me and said do you have something to tell me? I said what do you mean… he said I just got goose bumps today when I was talking on the phone with you. You didn't go to the store to get medicine did you? He said I KNOW YOU ARE PREGNANT. He was grinning ear to ear. I said how did you know? I went and got the test and showed it to him. From that night on he pretty much babied me the whole pregnancy.. such a blessing and today he adores his girls more than anything!
I still have my pregnancy test and actually have mine from Lyndsee as well. I always look at them every once in a while and just sit down and think back during those times that I took the tests. Wow has my life changed since I have my girls, but I know one thing I would NOT want to live life without my girls. 🙂