As many of you all know, I am a proud soccer mom. No really, I heart being a soccer mom. I do have to be honest though, I do not heart the mud that is trekked in the house from the cleats. I do not heart that the bottom of the cleats can just keep grinding down as all the players meet at the local park after each game to play.
Could there be hope for this soccer mom, that she could put these only two disadvantages of being a soccer mom to rest? I think there may be ;). I was contacted recently about the new Cleatskins. These are the best thing since sliced bread.
They are well-made covers that fit over the bottom of your cleats. They are super stylish as well, so I received bonus points from my 6 year old!
The first game that we had walked out on the field with these, it is no lie that we got the stares. After the game, parents started trickling up to me and said, ok… we have to know where you got those ;). I was happy to tell, because hey if I can save my sanity… I am all for sharing my tips to save other parent’s sanity as well.
“Constructed of SKINTEK™ rubber, a revolutionary formulation of compression molded rubber, Cleatskins significantly extend the life of cleats by protecting studs from wear and tear and its distinctive design serves as a time-saving and practical solution for busy families. The unique SKINTEK material also creates a sealed barrier to keep dirt and grass out of home and car and enhances the street-sensibility of studded athletic shoes by improving mobility and safety on asphalt and concrete surfaces.”
They come in multiple colors, so you can get brownie points from your son or daughter! They really have made life easier for this soccer mom and did I mention, they are super easy to put on so M can do it all by herself? 🙂
Just another product to help us moms and dads out to make life less stressful during sports season!!!
Disclosure: Cleatskins did provide me the hot pink cleatskins for me to review and keep, but I was in no way paid to write my review. This review comes from my heart and I will only tell you how I really feel :).