I am so very excited about today. I see our country moving forward and this is going to make 2009 even better. I couldn’t have asked for a better yesterday and to see President Obama being sworn into office just makes today even special as well.
Some of you may be shocked to see me write this??? I really wanted McCain to win the election, but that is all behind us now. I will respect and pray for President Obama, just as I did President Bush. No, I may not agree to all that Obama is for, just as I did not approve all that President Bush was for, but that is no reason to put down the leader of our Nation. We need to uplift him and pray for him just as we would anyone else.
He is our President now and I just know this country will move into new directions that will shape our country to a much better country. I am excited that America has looked past the color and we can all unite and become as one. How awesome is that?
My girls and I will all be sitting in front of the TV watching his speech as this is definitely history in the making. I want my girls to be able to let their children know where they were on this wonderful historical day.
Let’s all put our virtual hands together and sing praises to his name. This will be a great year and I know my wonderful Good Lord up above will guide and direct him to where and how he needs to lead our great country the United States of America.
I’m so excited and I can’t hide it ;).