Let’s face it… not all bras are very comforting. I mean really, most probably comes in the front door and goes straight to bedroom to get rid of the bra right? HA!
It was while I was in NYC for BlogHer at the beginning of August, that I learned of a new bra. The Hanes ComfortFlex Bandini Bra. I am telling you and no they did not pay me to say this whatsoever, but this is the most comfortable bra hands down and it is so versatile. You can wear it with one or two straps, strapless, or racerback style. I actually forget that I have a bra on. Needless to say, this is my new favorite bra.
Hanes planned an afternoon for the bloggers so we could really dive in and get to know the products one on one. I realized why I am such a Hanes girl when I seen all the products put out in front of me. They are NC company too… just saying ;).
Take a little glimpse into the Hanes Comfort fun in NYC.
Now go over and grab you two or more if you would like (you will not be disappointed) of the Hanes ComfortFlex Fit Bandini Bras. They are all that and a bag of chips! 😉

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