A day that will be forever etched in my mind.
Scott was in a car accident yesterday on his way to work. We are so thankful he is alive and he definitely had some guardian angels looking after him. I keep telling him it was his mom and dad and God.
Yesterday morning on his way to work about 6:30am, he was driving up the hill and got to the top of the hill. He began feeling faint but thought he could make it to the stop sign to pull off the road. That is the last thing he remembers. When he came back to and alert, he had nose dived his car down an embankment and flipped the car. The car landed upside down on the driver’s side.
I had just woke up and came to my desk to work for the day. I heard someone knocking really hard on our front door, it was my mom. They had contacted her because that is the phone number they could find. I swooped up the girls and fled to the hospital. I walked in and we caught eyes and I immediately hugged and kissed him.
He had to stay in the hospital because his cardiac enzymes came back elevated, so it could have been a mild heart attack that made him black out and loose control of his car.
You can see the pictures I uploaded, and I don’t even think the pictures does any justice of just how bad the car is.
He is very lucky to be alive and no I’m not even going to say its luck, he had guardian angels looking after him. God has a purpose for him on this Earth and I’m so glad God kept him here and didn’t take him away from us. It has really made me do a lot of thinking the past couple of days. All the what-ifs keep running through my mind. What if God took him yesterday morning and not let him live? That is my husband, that is the daddy of my girls….I had been fussing at him the last couple of weeks because he had been coming straight in from work and just collapsing on the couch and sleeping. Here I thought it was laziness, and obviously it was his heart trying to give him a warning sign.
Both of his parents died young of massive heart attacks. I didn’t even get to meet them, so he does need to take pre-cautions. The cardiologist said this was your wake-up call Scott. It was also a wake-up call for me. I could be without him right now, I will never take another day granted with him. I will live each day to the fullest with him. I will not sweat the small stuff with him and argue over the stupid stuff. We will embrace life and enjoy our girls.
Thank you so much Lord for letting me have more time with him. Thank you for having your hands over him during the accident.
They are doing more testing on Monday morning at the Heart clinic so we can get answers of the damage that was done to his heart. I am very anxious and so worried but I know with God on our side that we are going to get through this. I have did my fair share of crying, because all the what ifs running through my mind. I am just so happy he is here with us today and for that I am going to REJOICE!

Oh Jen, you’ve made me cry all over again. I’ll never forget that early morning IM “scott was in an accident. please pray.” I had no idea how bad it was or what had happened or his status. I was so concerned. And then when I finally was able to speak with you on the phone I was relieved he had survived the accident but was/still am concerned about his heart.
I know that God will show the doctors what is going on so they can treat him. I just know that he’ll be okay once he has a plan of action and Jen kicks his butt into sticking with it! I so wished that I could have been there for you, to help you with the girls, to hug you, to take some of the weight off your shoulders. I love you and your family so much.
casual friday everyday’s last blog post..Built In Best Friends
You’re in my thoughts and prayers! Hope he gets home soon and gets back to normal…
Amazing. What a wonderful gift, not just the protection of your husband, but also a fresh perspective!
Blessings, Shera
Shera’s last blog post..Going to the Beach?
You guys have been in my thoughts all day – I’ll continue thinking of you and praying for him to recover well and learn what is wrong.
Tsoniki’s last blog post..Questioning Everything
Sending lots of prayers to heaven for you and your family.
Donna’s last blog post..Baby Love
I have also been thinking and praying about you and your husband Jen. My dad had a similar incident in a car while having a heart attack.
Stefanie’s last blog post..More Matthew McConaughey Goodness
He as well as you and your beautiful girls are in my thoughts and prayers – I cant imagine! God Bless you all!
Jenn’s last blog post..Water Water Everywhere…
Oh no! That is so scary! Yet I’m so glad he’s okay – definitely God’s hand at work that day.
Mozi Esme’s Mommy’s last blog post..Dark
Just an FYI – you have an award on my blog.
Mozi Esme’s Mommy’s last blog post..Busyness Again
Thank goodness that all was fine..
I read this yesterday, but couldn’t come back to comment until today. Every time I try I end up crying. Even now, I’m typing this with tears in my eyes. My dad died of a heart attack 3 years ago. His first heat attack was a year and a half before that.
You see, he forgot.
He forgot the fear of the first one. He forgot to take care of himself. He forgot how much we needed him.
I’m not saying this to scare you. I’m saying it to encourage you to make sure you never forget. And make sure Scott never forgets. You’ll do well for the first 6 months to a year. But the time will come when life will get in the way, and you’ll start to forget. If you have to come back and read this post once a month or even once a week to make sure you don’t forget, then do it.
I’m so sorry. I hope everything is ok.
Amanda Petite Mommy’s last blog post..A Recap of the Pampers Event & I’m Asking For Your Help
Oh wow, what a horrible accident! I am so glad that he was not hurt badly – I hope that they can find out why he blacked out and give you guys some answers.
Deb – Mom of 3 Girls’s last blog post..Sand, wind, waves and sun – my thirteen favorite beach photos
Wow, unbelievable….
Amy W’s last blog post..Friday Pictures – We have ABSOLUTELY no luck…
So sorry you had to go through this but I’m glad he’s doing well.
Christina’s last blog post..Jumping On the Green Smoothie Bandwagon
I was following Twitter when Nell twittered about this. I was sending up prayers for him! How scary and thank God he was ok.
Tishia Lee’s last blog post..What a Scary Feeling
OMG…I am so sorry I am reading this today and not back when it happened. Thank God for protecting him. I am behind in some of my blog reading. My husband went thru testing too with his heart and they found out his heart is weak and only pumping at 31%. They put him on meds and talked about a possible defribulator, but he saw the dr. last week and is doing better on the meds. Thank God your hubby is getting treatment and I pray he will be fine.
Rhonda (Mimi)’s last blog post..Cousins Reunite
oh goodness I just now heard about this. I know you must have been so scared! I’m glad to hear he’s going to be ok. What an awful thing to go through.
Carrie’s last blog post..Confessions of a Baby Sling Junkie