But guess what we have in Florida? Go ahead and try to guess.You could only imagine my facial expression when I happened to look outside our great room's windows this afternoon and see something staring back at me. I am sure my mouth was dropping down to my knees and I had to take a double take. ;). What would you do if you saw this staring back at you?
Would you be shocked too? Now we have seen these birds around the community here, but I had no idea they just walk right up to your door. Once I got myself together and my mouth back where it was suppose to be ;)… I hollered at the girls from their playroom. They came a running to try and figure out what all this yelling was about. I opened the door and Lyndsee screamed because she LOVES birds and I think Madisyn was speechless. I hurried and grabbed the camera. They could care less if we walked up to them… they just stood there.
We finally started feeling sorry for them and fed them some bread. You should have heard this weird noise they made as they all went fighting over the bread. Of course the girls couldn't stop at just one piece so I think they ended up throwing 3 pieces each at them.
Anyways that was a pretty good nature event today here at our household. Here are some more picts we took of them.
After we went back in.. the rain started pouring and I mean pouring… so of course this means splash time. We had to carry on the nature events of the day right? I had Madisyn put on a old shirt of mine and Lyndsee just some shorts so they wouldn't get their good clothes messed up. They had a blast and Madisyn said mom you are my best friend and I love you so much. AWWW… right there makes everything worth it all just hearing those words. Of course… this made up for this morning when she said mommy when I grow up.. I am going to have a big butt like you… HMMMPF. I had to hold my tongue on that one ;). Gotta love what they can come up with!!
Enjoy the picts of splash time.
Do you ever just take advantage of rainy days and turn them around to where the kids can have fun as well?

WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! WOWEE, WOW, WOW! lol I’m used to deer, too. How bizzar and fascinating at the same time. Love the pictures of the girls!
Wow right in your front yard – I’m sure I probably would of screamed at first! I don’t think I would like waking up to some big ole bird like that staring at me … LOL!
Looks like the girls were having a lot of fun in the rain! I promised myself the next time it rained here that I was going to play outside in the puddles with Caleb, I can’t wait now! Seeing the girls playing in it makes me wish it would rain now.
I’m 30 and I still love splashing in the rain… 🙂
WOW, what a shock! Your girls look like they are having a blast.
Sandhill Cranes are neat and eerie birds at the same time. Some summer in Montana and they make an eerie noise in the evenings.
Where in Florida are you? We’re in the Tampa area! We have those too, they’re beautiful aren’t they?
They broke out of the zoo! LOL That’s the only place you’d see something like that here, huh?!?! haha
awh, so sweet! we’ve got sandhill cranes as well… awful nice + communicable most of the time, but look out when they’re nesting: I’ve been chased + snapped at more often than just feeding them seed out of hand!! …of course I also think it’s hilarious, and partly go looking for trouble… 😉