In my honest opinion, I don’t think anyone can ever learn too much. Technology has now allowed us to provide online tutoring at home. This works so well with a mom’s busy schedule, believe me!
M and L are pretty smart if I do say so myself, but I know there are always rooms of improvement and I like to keep them challenged. M was really bored in school last year and it effected her outlook on school. This year has provided such a welcome change since the school is based on learning through centers and they are challenging her which she really needed.
I want to be able to work with them here at home as well but I kept realizing the workbooks that I was always picking up was just not cutting to the point with the girls. Enter Kaplan Tutoring!
We are participating in a 8 week tutoring course for both of the girls. I wasn’t sure what to expect but have overall been pleasantly surprised. There is a little character that is making the tutoring so much fun.
He helps the girls build houses with all their accomplishments. The tutorial lessons are very colorful and fun. It allows lots of engagement on the kids part. There is two parts to the lessons.
There is a reading tutorial:
There is a math tutorial:
As you can see, the lessons are a game and the kids are building up points for rewards. The girls get very excited to see their points go up each time they complete a lesson. We have just dived in here in the first two weeks are are past the pre-assessments. I will be back soon to give a full review on how well the tutoring is helping and challenging the girls.
“I wrote this review while participating in a Test Drive Program by Mom Central on behalf of Kaplan and received the products necessary to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Very neat, I am with you on this one we can never teach them to much. What’s the age/grade level this goes up to?