To watch your daughter not able to eat.
To fail food trials, potatoes and apples.
To cry when being taken back for surgery for the 4th time in 2016.
To grab her throat in pain.
To have to drink a prescription formula to stay alive.
Friends and family, it has been a hard month. We serve a great Lord who gives us strength and encouragement every single day. When we started on this eosinophilic esophagitis journey, the family wasn’t sure what to expect. It has been heartbreak after heartbreak, but L has been so strong through the entire journey. I can’t even imagine what goes through her mind. When your daughter tells you she is not ready to go to heaven, you can imagine the tears that streamed down my face. It shows what the disease does to you mentally. It was my job as her mother to assure her that she has a great medical team and we are going to continue everyday to pray for a CURE! When a reaction happens to your throat, it becomes traumatic and forever stays in your mind.
L had to have an emergency scope this past week. Since we have been home, I have been trying to make her as calm as I can by filling our house with happiness and much prayer. This past weekend, we bought a himalayan salt lamp for her room, a kid’s calming stick, and more essential oils for her diffuser. Our hopes this will help with L cope through this very traumatic journey.
In a magical world, a wand would be waved and she would be healed. As a family, we feel she will be healed by our almighty Physician (Our Lord), so the Lord can use her amazing testimony of healing to share to others.
Next week, we meet with a new allergist to ensure we are covering all our bases with L’s regular food allergies and her EoE diagnosis. We will walk away from this appointment with a new game plan and get our L eating food once again. It is hard to remain positive and not throw your hands up and cry. But honestly, what would that fix? L feeds off of our emotions, so we must remain positive and fill our world with great happiness. This means family puzzle time, family craft time, animal discussions, car rides, and the list goes on.
We are not giving up. We are reaching farther. God is good!

I can’t even imagine how hard this is on all of you, especially L.
And as parents to not be able to help your child, to take this away from her.
Stay strong.
Continue praying.
Know that you and your family are not alone.
You are all loved and prayers continue.