This week at M’s school they are having Spirit week. I always loved this as a child. Well today was Tacky Day AKA (let your kid dress themselves day).
M picked out her outfit and I just started laughing. I told her it had to be crazy and I think she did a pretty darn good job of it… don’t ya think?
I just love her… She melts my heart over and over.
Also while I have your attention… M was sent a special Koala bear last week from Build a Bear. She just loved it from the minute she got it out of the box that evening. I didn’t realize they have bears now for as low as 10.00. How cool is that? Also once you make your bear, you can go online and have a virtual pet at Build a Bearville. I was really impressed with the quality and as you can see below… it fit perfect in M’s lap so she could snuggle with and have an after school nap.
We would like to share with you and let your kid have their own very special bear. I have two 10.00 gift cards I would love to give to two lucky parents to give to their children. Leave a message below and I will draw two random entries on Friday October 31, 2008. Good Luck!

my daughter loves build a bear. she has her sights on the new high school musical bear!
My daughter would love this!!!
I would love to win! My daughers love bears! Thanks again. There are a few that they like! ๐
Monica Bertone’s last blog post..Library Time
My daughter would love this! Thanks so much.
fritzfacts at gmail dot com
Kellyn’s last blog post..Tonight…Tonight
Would be a fun dayout with mom activity for my daughter
I want to get my daughter the HSM or Hannah Montana Bear. Enter me!
Elizabeth F.’s last blog post..Fall 2008 Bloggy Give-Away…McD’s Coupons!
Oh, my 3 year old would LOVE this! She’s never had a build a bear before!
This would be a great stocking stuffer!
katie stacey’s last blog post..Another post about snot…
Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway! I hope i’m the lucky winner. ๐
reeva’s last blog post..enter to win $1000 gift card to old navy
Great giveaway!
i’m in. thanks
I love build a bear! I take my niece there every year for her birthday!
My kids love Build-a-Bear. Thanks for the giveaway!
Oh… she looks like an imp and she looks like an angel. They all look like angels when they sleep, no?
I’d like to take my son to Build a Bear over the holidays. It’s always a fun time!
Thanks for sharing!
mannequin’s last blog post..The Goblin King
My kids have really been wanting to go there. I would love to win. Thank you.
I would love to enter
Janae’s last blog post..$20 Challenge 4 Charity!: My first Giveaway – $125 Lodis Ballet Wallet! Let’s make it great!
She looks so sweet. Thanks for the giveaway.
My daughter would love this
I luvvv Build-a-Bear!! Yeah!
Alexandra’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday’s
My kids would love to get their bears some new clothes. thanks
ktjrdn’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway time again!
Great giveaway, thanks for hosting it!
Tyna Begley’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway
Looks like your kid and my kid took fashion tips from each other…
Thanks so much for the giveaway, they have such cute animals at Build a Bear!
My daughter (the oldest one) always wants to go there but I always thought it was too expensive. Shh, don’t tell her about the $10 bears!
Kathy’s last blog post..Bloggy Carnival Giveaway
I’ve been wanting to take my youngest for her first Build A Bear experience. What an awesome prize, thanks for the chance to win!
How fun!
Lydia’s last blog post..From Years Ago?
My daughter would love to go shop there again.
Sara B.’s last blog post..Pre-Halloween Halloween???
I would love to win one of these so I can take my son there for his 2nd birthday!
Thanks for offering it!
princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com
emily’s last blog post..I Just Needed to Share
Thanks for the contest. Have a great Halloween.
Build A Bear is the best and you are never too old to snuggle with a teddy! But I have a grandson that needs to be introduced to the delights of Build A Bear!
Thanks for the chance to win! ๐
Margie Dautrich’s last blog post..more photos from the weekend getaway…
I’ve never gone to Build a Bear, but I would love to take my kids! Thanks for the giveaway!
My little girl would love this!
Mama Hen’s last blog post..Ode to Mark
I’d so love to win this I have 2 girls who just adore this store.
Jeanine’s last blog post..It’s Bloggy Carnival Time Again Yeah!!!
This would be fun! We’ve never done build a bear.
Sarah at themommylogues’s last blog post..My First Giveaway!!
My girls love Build-a-Bear. This would be great. Thanks.
Mama Belle’s last blog post..I Got Nothin’
I would love to win this for my Nephew. I would love to get him his first Teddy Bear.
owatz (AT)telus (DOT) net
Oooh, we LOVE Build a Bear!!! Please pick me!
Julie’s last blog post..Jolt
Oooh – I love Build a Bear. My daughter would love to make a little friend.
Kara’s last blog post..Halloween Fun!
I would love to win so my daughter can build her first bear!
The koala is really cute. I think my daughter would end up getting a puppy though. This would be such a fun outing. Thank you
My daughter would love to go to Build a Bear. We have never been there before.
I’ve never been to Build A Bear and it looks like I need to take my grandson there!!
I am in- thanks- please enter me
we like it!my son wants to get the white tiger,So this would be great thanks!
I woud like to enter, my kids love build a bear!
Jodi’s last blog post..Who Would help with all this Wood!?
My kids would think that was the greatest thing EVER. I’ve not taken them to build a bear because it just seems so expensive.
Paige’s last blog post..Putting the garden to bed
We love BAB at our house! Thanks for the offer!
Cris’s last blog post..Bloggy Giveaway Time!
We’d love to win.
thanks for the giveaway
poncey76 at hotmail dot com
I really want to win so i can get my daughter her first buil-a-bear for christmas! thanks for the giveaway!
What a fun prize! Thanks for the giveaway!
Chrysa’s last blog post..Thrifty Thursday: Living on the Cheap