When I was asked to review this wonderful author and illustrator, it could not have came at a better time. My oldest daughter M is learning to read and will read everything in sight now. No hiding words from her anymore ;). The thing is, my youngest L doesn’t understand how M can read so good now. So these books were a big hit at our house with L.
Leslie Patricelli is the author and illustrator of a great series of books (seven altogether) of bright and engaging children’s board books and full length picture books. Her unique style and presence in the books is what holds the child’s attention and let’s them have such a full imagination.
Every one of her books feature a star diaper-clad baby giving a new refreshed take on our day to day activities. From being quiet, to screaming as loud as we can ;). Right moms? You can just tell from the cover of the book Higher! Higher! above that the book will not leave you without a smile.
The books have such neat and descriptive pictures, with very little words, that is allowed my youngest L to be able to “read” the books with her own words.
I really thing imagination is very important during a child’s growing years. These books are a perfect example of getting the wheels turning and letting your child take control of their reading at an early age. L gives the books two thumbs up!
All of her 7 books are available at Candle Wick.

From a booklover. I have loved to read from the start and still do. I hope all my children will appreciate books as much as I have.
Dan Mihaliak’s last blog post..Miss Me Collection
Thanks for the review. Our family loves books and it is always fun to find something new for my kids to enjoy.