The days are going by so fast. I feel like I blinked and the kids grew up overnight. The days when the babies are not sleeping through the night seem so long, but then a switch flips and the days seem so short.
In this technology driven world, everything seems so fast paced. Then I decided to go back to school for another degree, and the days seem they are only one hour long especially with working a full-time job and going to school full-time.
This weekend, I decided to put my homework on hold till late at night when the kids were in bed. This put me going to bed after midnight but I thoroughly enjoyed creating memories and laughing. It truly does something for my soul. I want to say even rejuvenates my soul.
The smile on my face says it all. My heart just continues to grow. I know the kids will not always need me to do things for them, but I do hope they will always need my love. My wish is they will always remember the great memories we make together. The memories do not have to consist of material things, just as long as love and caring is involved.

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