Lots of appointments have been on my itinerary lately. It is hard to believe that a month from today, I will be having my jaw (orthognathic) surgery.

This beautiful crooked smile will be turned into just a beautiful smile. Ever since I started my job outside the house, I am having to talk a lot during the day. In the evenings, there will be times I just want to curl up under my blankets with my heating pad or a warm washcloth. The pain can get so intense at times. I am very much looking forward to the outcome and no pain. My jaw has started locking up on me on occasions but I am able to do massages and it loosens up usually within about 30 minutes.
The four surgeries that I will be having are:
Lefort 1 1 piece with bone grafts
Mandibular split with int RGD Fixj
Genioplasty sliding osteotomy single piece
Every time I think to hard about the surgery, tears begin streaming down my face. I am very excited to have the surgery but very anxious as well. A splint will be placed in my mouth and it will be hard to talk and mainly liquids only for eating. I have heard several people will blend up main meals in a blender such as lasagna to have varieties. I am sure there will be lots of creativity on hand once I am able to begin doing things for myself. My husband will be a huge help to me, I am sure. He is not a cook at all but at least he can put things in the blender. It is the girls that I worry about for meals. Hmmm? We will figure out a plan.
My hospital stay should only be about 48 hours and then I am sent home to recover. It is a very hard recovery but from what I am reading, if I can get through the first two weeks, I will be smooth sailing the rest of the four weeks until I am able to get the splint out of my mouth. At that time, I should be able to begin moving and exercising my mouth.
The girls and I have been watching videos because there will be lots of swelling and bruising. I do not want them to be scared when they first see me, so I am hoping the videos will help give them an idea of how I will look. No one is sugar coating the surgeries at all. They said you really do look rough until the swelling and bruising goes down. They will send me home with a jaw bra. This will indeed be interesting.
I will be blogging and sharing videos of the entire journey. I hope you all will stay along for the journey and send prayers for the surgery and recovery. Also, pray for Scott and the girls. I keep this family running with schedules and sorts, so this will definitely be a huge change to have Scott take care of the household for the first couple of weeks. We shall succeed. God will get us through it along with my amazing support system of my family and friends.
Stay tuned….

Jen, I am so excited for you. You know you are always in my thought and prayers. So glad you have your support, you’ll need it. Just make sure to follow all of your doctor’s orders and rest. Don’t try to do too much too soon.
Your family has learned from your strength and example. You’ll all get along just fine until you can take over the schedules again. 🙂
Love you my sweet friend.
Oh Boy, Jen! That does not sound like a lot of fun. Will be thinking about you. And I agree with Nanette, get your rest.
Good Luck & I’ll be following your journey!!!
To my dear online friend Jen,
Wow the day is drawing close. I know how scary it can be thinking about any surgery you have to go through, especially the jar surgery you have to endure and the recovery time afterwards. I know you have been working towards your goal for some time now. I always remember my mom saying “and this too shall pass” If you can wrap your mind around that little quote I know you will get pass this and although you will endure discomfort and pain in the long run you will have that amazing smile you want and a jar free of pain. You will be in my prayers Jen, please let us know the day you will be having the surgery so we can all offer up some special prayers for you. I hate thinking of you going through this. I wish you the very best. Love your friend Sharon
I’m so glad you’re getting something done about your pain, Jen. I hate hearing that it’s been that hard on you. I’ll be praying along with you.
I must have been thinking about jar’s lol but I know, you know, what I meant to write and that was
( jaw ). Have you in my thoughts Jen <3