Did you know that Parents.com has their own line of toys? They are sold exclusively at Target.com
The Parents toys have garnered over 52 awards so that shows you they are a real treat in the eyes of children. We had the opportunity to review the Look at Me Camera from their toy line.
This camera is actually great for children 12 months and up, but I have to tell you my 4 year old is just loving it. She loves taking pictures and since it has the realistic shutter sound, she just thinks she is the hottest new photographer. She will go around and say cheese, say christmas tree, say chicken nuggets all the while cracking us up.
Since children 12 months and on love to imaginary play, this is a great toy for them so they can act just like mommy. You know our children look up to us so much.
The price is great at $9.99 and it already includes the batteries. You cannot beat that ;). So go grab one now and use them as great stocking stuffers.

waht a nice day.