Does your kids love to build? Well my girls have seen their cousin’s K’Nex set and always wanted to join in, but I was so scared because of all the little pieces. Great news for us K’Nex has come out with building sets that will cater to the 2 to 5 year old age.
We were sent this Oscar Building set for the girls to try out and…. I couldn’t get it opened fast enough for my 3 year old. She spent I know a good hour and half putting this together, taking it apart and putting it back together. She even got hubbs in on the action. It was cute seeing them together on the living room floor playing. Of course when my 5 year old came in from school, she wanted in on the action.
You do not have to worry about them getting bored with it as they can build the sesame street character their own unique way. Also the parts are just the right size for this age group so you don’t have to worry about them getting choked.
One of the best parts I really like, is the building sets come with their own canister. So all you have to do is have your child take the parts apart and put them away simply in the canister. Also… they are really priced low at 10.99. Perfect price for a birthday gift, christmas gift, or just a reward for good behavior.
My girls and I… oh yea hubbs too definitely give this set two thumbs up!

Oh how cool is that? My 3 yo will love it as he plays with his brothers magnetix and k’nex all the time.
Arika’s last blog post..My Angel Needs His Own Bedroom Set