It is true folks. I have a little animal activist on my hands. At the young age of 6 years old, L is such an advocate for animals and is not afraid to let you know her emotions when it comes to the animals.
We have known for a while that L is a true lover of all animals. Her main squeeze is her best friend, our dog, Kingston. The thing is though, her love does not just stop with dogs. It includes, cows, turkey’s, deer, bulls, turtles and the list could keep going on and on. I am not talking just a little infatuation with animals, this infatuation goes deep.
For example, we were at a rodeo recently, and L was so upset that she stood up and proclaimed that we leave promptly. When the kids were doing the calf roping, she started crying and would cover her eyes and bury her head into my lap. She would say, “Mommy this is not right. You do not treat animals like this.”
Movies such as Santa Buddies and Chestnut have literally brought her to big crocodile tears and her sobbing so much that I would have to get her in my lap and console her before she could go to sleep. Anytime she sees any harm to an animal, all these emotions evolve and it literally is ripping her heart to pieces.
There was a turtle in the road the other day, and this was a HUGE turtle. She talked about it for days. Mommy, why would anyone want to run over that precious turtle. It needs to live. Mommy that is just wrong, people should not harm animals.
Then last night, we were talking about Thanksgiving and thought we would go on Jib Jab to create a Thanksgiving video of the four of us as a family. We found one where they slice the turkey in the video and she just starts crying and runs away from the computer. I go and kneel down beside her to see what happened? She said mommy, you do not be mean to animals like that. I want that video off the computer and to go away forever.
It really effects her so much to see any cruelty to animals. Her emotions are real and as a mother, it hurts my heart. I am going to start paying closer attention to videos that we watch and what she sees around her. We will not be going to a rodeo anytime soon for sure.
She wrote her Christmas List for Santa this weekend and this is what it included:
A toy pig
A toy penguin
A toy dog
A toy cat
A toy horse
and that is all my friends! Now this is a true animal lover!