This is a quote from this past week’s Blissdom conference in Nashville, TN. I left on a jet plane last Wednesday and landed in Nashville, TN just a short 1 hour and half later. This was my first trip to Nashville and my first time to the Blissdom Conference. One word – Amazing!
My traveling partner Carolina Mama and I showcased the pink cowboy hats and we were off to take the Gaylord Palms Opryland hotel by storm!
The opening keynote from the awesome Brene Brown left me a little teary eyed for sure. Honestly, though there could have not been a better way to start the conference!
Take a look at my tweets from the opening keynote and you will see how our whole online community needed this!
Who is on your short list of who their opinion of you matters? Don’t worry about what everybody else thinks! AMEN!
Personal attacks are so wrong. We are a community. Why attack people? Delete them out of your life.
“without vulnerability, there’s no love, belonging, joy, gratitude, innovation, creativity, accountability”
It is ok to have boundaries… you need them.
If you do not put value on your work… don’t expect anyone else too!
“If you talk bad about others on twitter… I am going to block you” YES!!!
Pretty thought provoking words huh? I was shaking my head in agreement so much.
Next up was my wonderful partner in crime at BabyCenter Dina Freeman’s speaking panel on “Peek Behind the Curtain of PR-Blogger Relations” – She rocked the panel along with the other speakers.
Here are my tweets from the session –
Online influencers aka bloggers are an essential part to the Public Relation teams of Brands.
When Good Morning America Calls, PR brands know what to say, but do not always know where to start when Bloggers call.
Different agencies to everything different, there is no standard all across the board. Agencies are trying to work towards that.
When working with a PR agency ask yourself what is your value and reach…
The better story you give a PR Agency, the more positive they will have to share back with the client.
PR relationships with bloggers are a two way street. Remember that. It is not just one-sided.
Be patient with PR agencies. It can take time to get your pitch completed. It can’t happen overnight.
Be realistic in your pitches and be professional when writing the pitch to PR agencies.
Successful Pitch to PR: What is unique and differentiated about you vs. others? Let your personality shine!
Be short and concise. Get to the point. The PR teams are on a strict schedule. Follow-up. Be persistent.
Be very specific in your pitch and make sure you know the product you are pitching about.
Give PR a reason to believe in you. Attempt to understand the PR team. Cultivate a relationship. Why should they work w/you?
PR agencies do keep log lists of bloggers that have sent them great pitches. May not can work w/you now but want to in future.
Don’t lose sight of quality content on your blog. Reach, Quality and Creativity all count in a PR’s eyes.
Do not copy and paste a Press Release. Write in your own words. Be authentic with your voice.
PR agencies do not just look at the traffic on your blog, they look at your total reach in the social media scene and your voice.
Entitlement… know where you are. We have to get back to quality. Leave the drama behind not on your blog.
Really eye opening as we bridge this gap with bloggers and PR companies. This year is going to be a really big year with bloggers connecting with brands on more ambassador and spokesperson levels and I love that as a blogger. A blogger actually uses these products and really knows the details behind the products so it just seems natural that we are able to promote the products for the brands. Great things in store for 2011 for sure.
That night we were able to hit the red carpet with Jockey. I showed up with my black boots on and ready to mingle with some of my wonderful and supportive blogger friends.
Amy Hodges (@amymchodges) and I
Kelby Carr (@typeamom) and I
Michele Chestnut (@chelechestnut) and I
Amanda Henson (@highimpactmom) and I
Then we decided to take a stroll and get an indepth look of the Gaylord Palms Opryland. One of the managers stopped us and asked us if we knew the stairs we were standing on were famous.
The stairs were actually used in the remake of “Gone with the Wind”… pretty neat!
The changing water was ever so cool. I will share more video about this neat area and other interesting areas of Gaylord this week.
It was time to hit the sack for the night and gear up for a new fun day at the conference. The sessions were just so informational at this conference and I walked away really feeling energized. The closing keynote was by Scott Stratten @unmarketing who is just the coolest guy ever! He gets social media and knows how to really ride the waves of the social media effects. Can’t wait to hear him more!
Two quotes I walked away from his keynote:
Amen! People who hate on you, criticize you, and put you down are jealous of your success.
Do NOT let anyone steal your BLISS!!!!
Wonderful conference and cannot wait to attend again next year!