The last eleven years, I thought I was busy. Working outside of the home five days a week gives busy a whole new meaning. I am taking time to stop and really enjoy the small things. My relationships with my husband and girls are taking a top priority. Each evening when I get home, I make sure to drop my belongings and have real conversations with them. I feel like for the first time, my husband and I are having really great in depth conversations. The girls school day gets summarized into a few minutes but I want to make sure I am still involved in their school lives. Each new day brings forth different conversations but conversations I am really enjoying with my family.
A sunrise would not have made me wake up early, but oh how that has changed. I am enjoying the small things more.
The sheer beauty of this sunrise just takes my breath away. I really do live here in the NC mountains where this picture can be taken almost daily but yet I am just now taking time to enjoy the view. This is God’s creation. We need to enjoy it as it looks like he literally just painted the sky as a good morning gift to us!
As we took a family drive down the Blue Ridge Parkway, sweet L rolls down her window and lets the cool crisp air blow against her beautiful face. She exclaims “Daddy, let’s look for deer.”
Enjoying the small things. No technology devices in hand. We are just enjoying family time and loving every minute of seeing the nature around us. The colors are starting to peek through the green leaves as well. Would I have taken time to notice the deer or the colors before? Probably not.. but now this quality time brings on a whole new meaning.
Don’t let life flash before your eyes. Don’t spend all your time on a technology device. Your family wants you. Your family needs you. There are memories to be created.
Enjoying the small things more…