Positive and inspiring people can change your whole outlook on life. If you choose to surround yourself around these type of people, I firmly believe your day will go better. Life can throw many curve balls, and we have two choices once those curve balls hit us. The individual can drown their sorrows or develop ways to turn a negative into a positive.
Our L cannot eat food at the moment due to her having eosinophilic esophagitis. She lives 100% on a prescription formula. This has greatly changed our family dynamics in how we would do family adventures. We could choose to just stay in the house or do the opposite and create family adventures that inspire L and bring her delight. Believe me, it can get hard but we choose to surround ourselves with inspirational people. Friends will text L and myself to uplift us, encourage us, and pray for us. It really makes the days so much better.
I have teamed up with A&E Network to write about someone that inspires me. This would be Nan from A Mom Blog. This beautiful friend has been with us every step of the way since L’s diagnosis. She has been a longtime family friend but on an even more inspiring part, her family lives many states away from us. Despite the distance, the entire family inspires and loves on us. Our daughters are online best friends who we would like to reunite but distance and money have unfortunately prevented a reunion. L and Princess have not seen each other in person since 2012 but that does not stop them from sending text and skype messages to each other to encourage and inspire one another. Princess does not care that L is different. She sees past L’s disease and loves on her continuously. Nan has raised a wonderful daughter. Nan will pop up on my google chat each morning, or I will pop up on her google chat. Each weekday, we have a virtual 3:00pm tea time together. Our daughters laugh at us, but tea time really brings us great cheer and smiles. It’s uplifting and it gives us time to inspire and encourage each other if we are having a bad day or just need that little extra push to go out of our comfort zone. Nan and Princess, on behalf of A&E Network, we are sending you a $25 Target gift card so you both can pick you out a special gift for always inspiring us! We are grateful and blessed to have you all in our lives.
L and I would like to encourage you to watch a new season of an inspiring television show, BORN THIS WAY! The new season starts on July 26, 2016 on the A&E Network and will leave you feeling inspired and heart full after each episode. BORN THIS WAY chronicles the lives of a group of young adults born with Down syndrome as they pursue their passions while defying society’s expectations. The series also follows their parents who share their own journey of joy, sacrifice, and unconditional love.
Below, please find a clip that shares the heart and depth of this show. In this clip you will meet Rachel, one of the cast members. Rachel, like the rest of the young adults featured in this series is an inspiration – facing the challenges and obstacles of life with courage, grace, determination and love.
Disclaimer: This post is in partnership with A&E Network. All thoughts and opinions are of my own.