The journey is beginning and as any social media person would do, I am going to share the journey with my readers. You just never know who I could help by sharing the journey.

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane. When I was in the 8th grade, the headaches and pain were increasing and becoming very worrisome to my parents and I. My parents took me to see an oral surgeon as suggested by my dentist at the time. The oral surgeon immediately took x-rays and measurements. Without skipping a beat, said I would need surgery. It appears that I have a canted occlusal plane and deviated prognathic mandible. My teeth only meet in one area of my mouth. You can see how this makes it difficult for eating. At one point, I just stopped eating. I was so tired of the pain and knew if I ate less food, the pain would be minimal. My weight reached dangerous low levels. Any news like this could hit a teenager like a ton of bricks. I tried splints, hot compresses… you name it. I feel like I have tried it. Nothing has ever worked. I even was in braces for 6 years awaiting surgery, nothing. Insurance failed me and denied the insurance even despite numerous letters and medical records from my surgeon.
Let’s advance several years, I am starting the journey once again. Follow along with my first vlog about the surgery journey.
I’m excited, nervous, worried but ready to have it done and behind me.