Parents wouldn’t dream of missing their child’s annual wellness exam with their pediatrician, however too many parents forget about a doctor’s appointment that is just as important: their child’s annual eye exam. I am so guilty of this myself. I keep saying each month that I am going to schedule the girls’ eye exam and it never gets accomplished. L was 20/30 a year and a half ago, so I really want to make it a priority to get her exam scheduled.
Did you know that close to ten million children in the U.S suffer from undetected vision problems that may cause them to fail in school? When I was in the 9th grade, I was having trouble seeing the board. I kept thinking if I moved closer to the board it would help. Of course, I was too embarrassed to tell my teachers. One day, low and behold, my mother took me to the optometrist for a pink-eye infection. During the appointment, my vision was checked. It was 20/200. It was no wonder, I was having a problem reading the board in the classroom. I never want my girls to go through the same experience.
Check out the three reasons why a comprehensive eye exam should top your back-to-school checklists this year:
1. One in four children has an undetected vision condition. Because eye health plays a major role in academic growth, it’s common for vision problems to be mistaken for a learning disability. Undetected vision conditions can negatively impact learning and contribute to frustrated students, poor grades and behavioral issues.
2. Comprehensive eye exams detect what school vision screenings cannot. Standard school screenings only test for visual acuity – which is not nearly the whole picture. Comprehensive eye exams test for visual acuity, color vision, eye alignment, eye health and chronic diseases such as diabetes.
3. Children’s eyes develop rapidly. A child’s eyes develop continually until about the age of seven – making early detection essential in correcting potentially permanent vision issues.
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Do not make the same mistake I did. Make it a priority.