The mild winter has left several people very happy. Obviously, we are not among those people. We are huge snow lovers and did not get to experience enough snow this past winter season. Another reason we are not happy is because mild winters lead to a terrible spring season for allergy sufferers.
According to, this year was the fourth warmest winter on record for the U.S.
“It’s causing the perfect storm for allergy misery,” says New York-based allergist Dr. Cliff Bassett.
The Weather Channel and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) have released their top 10 spring allergy cities for the 2012 Spring season. Are you on the list?
1. Knoxville, TN
2. McAllen, TX
3. Louisville, KY
4. Jackson, MS
5. Wichita, KS
6. Oklahoma City, OK
7. Chattanooga, TN
8. Memphis, TN
9. San Antonio, TX
10. Dayton, OH
No cities in NC made the list. I am pleased to see this but unfortunately, we are having a time with all the pollen right now with both M and L. L had to go on a stronger prescription allergy medicine and up her dosage on her inhaler. M is on allergy shots and Claritin as of right now. This combination seems to be working along with us being proactive. How can you be proactive? I am going to share tips that I shared last year in this post.
1. Declutter: Knick knacks, stuffed toys and clutter are major dust collectors
2. Keep decor smooth and simple: Remove carpet, as smooth floors (such as hard wood and tile) trap fewer allergens.
3. Wash allergens away: Have your child shower and change clothes after playing outside to wash off allergens on skin, hair and clothes.
4. Encase bedding: Use allergen-proof zippered encasings for pillows, mattresses and box springs to protect your bedding from dust mites.
5. Put clothes away: Keep all of your child’s clothes in drawers or closets; never leave them lying about the room.
6. Turn up the AC and clean filters: Pollen can travel hundreds of miles by wind, so keep windows and doors closed. Air conditioners filter pollen and other allergens, but they can also be breeding grounds for mold, so be sure to keep filters clean and consider using a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter.
Hopefully these tips will help you get through this severe allergy season. Maybe we can still get a late snowstorm? Wishful thinking… I know!