My daughter M, is about to turn 12 years of age and she is very much into the DIY scene. Once she has her bedroom completed, I will show you photos. She does get her frugal side from me. We love to see how cheap we can purchase things. Over the weekend she decided she wanted a Christmas flower arrangement for her room. The finished design is above. It turned out beautiful. The entire cost: $4! How did she do it?
We traveled to our local Dollar Tree. She picked out her vase, crystal beads (water bubbles), and flowers. The crystal beads were found with the air fresheners. Technically, the flower arrangement serves as an air freshener as well.
After we returned home, she went right to her desk and used scissors to cut the flowers how she wanted, poured the beads into the vase and arranged the flowers. Her plan is to make an arrangement for each season. I think it is a great addition to her room. You can’t beat the price.
Happy frugal decorating!