The day will always be etched into my brain so vividly. I will always remember what I was doing the morning of September 11, 2001. As my co-workers and I were finishing up an insurance meeting, we started hearing news reports on the radio of planes going down in New York City. I thought for sure it was all a joke. Unfortunately, it was not a joke as more planes went down. The mass chaos that filled the televisions screens for days will always be in my mind.
My girls were not born and do not remember this day, but I have been telling them bits and pieces as the years go by. My oldest M is starting to ask more and more questions about this tragic day. As I was in New York City last month, a dear friend Malise Terrell and I were able to visit the 9/11 memorial. We stood still and let silence hit all around us as we grieved for the fallen. It was so surreal to be standing there in the area where all the mass chaos went on during the day of September 11, 2001.
Here are pictures of my visit that day. I am grateful to see a memorial in place of all the fallen victims from that day. They are all heroes and we will never forget!