Have you seen Jen? She went missing in action. Oh snap! She is back. I will let her take it from here.
I am so sorry to be lacking on my posts here at One Moms World. Unfortunately, the stomach bug virus caused all kinds of complications and my sweet and precious L ended up in the hospital for 7 days. We were hospitalized Friday a week ago, and were able to go home that Sunday afternoon. Only things began going downhill fast and we ended up being hospitalized once again on Monday.
The nurses were so good to my daughter. They tried to make her smile and make her stay more bearable. This particular nurse let L listen to her own heartbeat. We did get a smile from her.
Technology proved to be the right dose of medicine.
I will admit, the pictures do break my heart. It was so hard to see her like this and was tearing my nerves all to pieces.
After IV’s, MRI, Electrocardiogram and lab tests, L was released from the hospital last Thursday. Thank goodness!
We were battling low sugar throughout her hospital stay. She is now on a hypoglycemic diet to maintain her sugar at a normal level. We will be following up with a cardiologist. Her MRI did show a spot on her brain. The radiologist feels like the spot was not a tumor. After consulting with a few doctors, we are going to wait for six months and see if the spot has grown before we seek further action. Of course, I am worried but we are praying that this spot will dissolve in Jesus name!
During L’s stay at the hospital, she was able to experience music therapy.
This was a local college student completing her graduate studies in music therapy. Music does so much for your soul, so naturally it really uplifted L’s spirit’s immediately.
It is amazing to sit and watch how well L responded to the therapy.
We are so glad to be home and ready to put this behind us. It was downright scary to see my daughter go through this and not really have a lot of reasons why? It was very hard to send her back to school today but I was assured by her teacher that she would watch her very closely.
Thank you all for understanding about the absence here. Look forward to lots of posts this week. God Bless!