Last weekend, we headed to the East Coast for some fun in the sun at Ocean Isle Inn.
This time, it was for the NC Mom Blog Conference. The ambassadors Malise, Chele and I have been working so hard over the past few months to bring this conference to fruition.
I have to say, the conference was a huge hit all the way around with everyone. Lots of hugs, smiles and laughs were seen all weekend.
It was so good to see my blogger friends that I hadn’t seen in so long and make new blogger friendships. Everyone at this conference was filled with awesomeness the entire weekend. Very friendly, so supportive and very outgoing. No one was left out as everyone was always included. I never seen anyone off by themselves or not joining in some way or some how with the conference.
This is what I think the blogging community should be all about. It hurts my soul so much when I see other bloggers put other bloggers down or spread gossip that doesn’t need to be spread at all. Here was a roomful of bloggers with so many different personalities who come together and just had the best time. I wish I could have bottled up the whole weekend and keep it with me at all times. Everyone that attended, just know, you all are what made the conference be such a positive experience. I appreciate you all!
We totally could have not put on the conference without our wonderful sponsors. It was a real treat to have so many companies join in on the fun with us this weekend and be so supportive of us. Our two big sponsors who really helped us provide such a quality time and have so many meals covered this past weekend:
Scandinavian Child and Eat Think Smile
and to our sponsors who provided support to all our moms through great swag.
Chez Ami
Noodles Company
Moe’s Southwest Grill
Mabel’s Labels
Carolina Pad
We so appreciate all of our sponsors. The conference could not have went on without you all. Thank you so much!
Here is a quick recap of the conference including all of our speakers except for the Healthy Living Panel that Malise and I presented. It went really well and it was such a nice feeling to be able to share about our healthy living goals and accomplishments.
Thank you to Lisa, Chele, Malise, Heather, Cord, Molly Gold, and Erin for presenting spectacular speaker sessions.