Day 5: I am going to be brutally honest. Day 5 was miserable. I shed quite a few tears and questioned my decision to go through this surgery? Just be prepared for the emotions on Day 5. It all goes up from there though! 🙂

My husband has been so loving and caring during this journey. He hugs me right when I need a hug, he grabs my hand when I need his touch and he reassures me that I am beautiful. I wrote this note to him last night and he replied right under it. Love him!

The swelling was obviously at peak on Day 5. I couldn’t hardly even mutter a word and my face felt like an elephant was sitting on it. I felt claustrophobic and could hardly swallow. Concern was weighing heavy on my heart whether I should go to the ER or not.
Thankfully my wonderful orthodontist text and reassured me that Day 5 is usually the worst. She said tomorrow will be better. I fell asleep praying that she would be right.
My sleep at night is not too good. I can’t quite get comfortable since I am use to sleeping on my stomach and side. Hoping I will readjust so I can get some decent sleep. My mouth gets really dry too, so my orthodontist suggested Biotene. My husband went to Walgreens at 10:00 at night to get me some. He is such a trooper. It helped with my dry mouth. I am going to continue to use it.
Day 6: Praise the Lord. MUCH better day. I woke up less swollen and just a better overall attitude.

Isn’t that picture amazing? I am so happy with the outcome of my jaw already! It’s going to help alleviate so many pain problems, sleep problems and eating issues once recovery is complete.
I feel like Jen once again. The light has been noticed at the end of the tunnel. Eating is getting somewhat easier today even though it is very hard to eat. It tires me out but I push through because I know my body needs the calories for healing. Here is a snapshot of what my table looks like when I sit down to eat.

This happens every six hours as I have to take all my medicines every six hours. Hubby graciously is there with me every step making sure I get the right dosages, prepares my warm salt water rinse, prepares my peroxide solution for my nose, washes my jaw wrap, and puts the ointment on the incision at my ear. It is usually a 45 minute routine but does it so graciously for me every time. He has been a blessing for sure.
I still do not have any feeling in my chin so I am still drooling a lot. Thank goodness for towels. One is toting around with me 24/7. Drinking is still a challenge but thankfully my oldest daughter M fixed a sippy cup for me so I can get smaller drinks. It really is helping. My left ear has been very painful since the feeling has came back there where they cut out the condyle bone. I’m going to ask the surgeon tomorrow if that is normal?
Yes, speaking of surgeon, we head three hours to Raleigh tomorrow for my one-week check-up. Can’t wait to let you know how it goes.
Thank you ALL for praying and your encouraging words. It truly makes this journey so much more tolerable. Today has just been a wonderful day. I hope each day continues to be better like this :).