Remember when I mentioned last week that San Francisco has my heart? It is time to show you why indeed it had my heart!
Since this was my first flight cross country, I will admit that nervousness set in pretty quick the morning of the flight. Oh, what the heck am I talking about, it set in the whole night before causing me to get no sleep. It was all cool though, as there was a part of me that was looking forward to CA once I got past the flight.
My first stop on my journey was in Chicago. Who said snow would ever stop you from landing? It doesn’t stop them in Chicago.
After having fun looking at all the snow and chatting on the phone of just how cool it was to land in the snow to hubby, I had to bolt to catch my next flight. Final Call – Jennifer Houck. Oh yes duh Jen, you do need to remember your time zones, my dear so you can make your flights on time.
We were off into the air once again. I didn’t have a window seat but you better believe I totally was putting my camera at the window to grab some pictures. It was really ok though, as the woman that was sitting at the window had a laughing problem so she just laughed at everything I did. It kept the flight upbeat at least. OH look there is snow…. laugh…. Oh look there is sand… laugh. You get the picture. 😉 . I was able to capture some beautiful snow capped mountains though. Now this was worth the trip totally!
When we landed in beautiful, sunny San Francisco, CA, there was no snow to be seen. It was this wonderful scenery.
Since this was a work trip, everyone shall know, that we wouldn’t be put up in just any hotel. We were put up in the Luxury Hotel Vitale. Oh yes, mom was spoiled while she was there.
And mom was totally spoiled on food. Not too good for the waistline, but hey mom can only splurge once in a week or day or hour haha! Look at this yummy San Francisco pizza. Oh yes, it was delicious. Just take my word for it.
I escaped work a bit and went across the road to the Ferry Building to meet-up with a fabulous mom from my birth club at BabyCenter.
We had only known each other for 8 years and had never met. No big deal right? Oh it was wonderful to finally meet Julie.
We grabbed some coffee and just chatted away. You would have thought we had been friends forever, oh snap, we have just online. As we were sitting out by the Bay Bridge, we had one of the most amazing views.
It was time to head back and meet up with the rest of my team before they send out a search warrant for me. There are no problems finding transportation in San Francisco, that is for sure.
That evening, we were able to go be the guests of honor with Tyler Florence, you know because we are so tight and all. Kidding!
I do have to say his food was amazing. Just look at these bacon wrapped dates.
And then look at this dish that was so delicious but hmmm not sure what I was eating. OOPS.
It was good, that is all that matters right. It was good alright, so good it stuck right to my waistline. It’s ok Tyler, I forgive you.
The next morning, it was time to head over to BabyCenter and do some great brainstorming. It was so much fun and actually had me missing working in an office full-time. Just look at my ever so cool co-workers who actually have control over me at BabyCenter. It’s cool though, they actually let me have break and lunch everyday. All is well in the world.
And San Francisco, I had to say Good Bye. You still have my heart and this image will be etched into my memory forever.
What a wonderful trip! Hope to see you soon!