Snow is a beautiful four letter word that brings music to our ears. We are a snow loving family hence the reason we live in the beautiful mountains of NC.

This year has not brought us much of the white stuff at all which makes us sad but we make the best of it when we do get a couple of inches. It never fails though, when there is enough snow for a snow day, I see parents complaining. Of course, it is a free world, so they can complain till their hearts are content. I, on the other hand, love snow days. Here are five reasons why snow days rock!
1. The alarm is not blaring that awful sound in my ears at 6:30 am. I am not a morning person. I would rather sleep-in even if sleeping in is till 7:30. Last year, the girls school did not start till 9:15. Oh how I miss those late start time!
2. I get to act silly with my girls in the snow. It is great to let your hair down so to speak and act like a kid for the day sledding down snow hills and building snowmen. We are away from technology and creating so many smiles as a family playing in the snow.
3. We get to eat yummy snow cream. Ever since I was a little girl, my parents would make snow cream with the second snow of the year. The girls love helping me scoop up a bowl of snow and bring it in the house to create a delicious bowl of snow cream.
4. I do not have to pack lunch boxes. Now, please do not get me wrong. I enjoy creating my girls a healthy lunch everyday that they will actually eat, but as I said, I am not a morning person. Lunch just adds to the chaotic morning. I could create the lunch at night but I usually send them a warm lunch to school.
5. The girls are able to spend all day HOME with me. Oh did I say that? Of course I did. I love having the girls home with me. I am not that parent that is wishing summer vacation would hurry up so my girls can go back to school. I would rather have them home with me any day!

Today was a snow day here in NC. We spent the day on the slopes. Lots of smiles, laughs and great family time.